Chapter 9

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"I know baby its corny i'm sorry if you don't like it we can something else if you want to i'm so stupid."

"Odell this the really thoughtful and beautiful nobody has done anything this special for me thank you so much." i said while bawling my eyes out.

By now i was in tears because this man really put thought into this date. I really love Odell and i don't know if i could ever stop. There was music playing in the back which was pretty wings by Maxwell (in the mm)

Time will bring the real end of our trial

One day they'll be no remnants
No trace, no residual feelings within ya
One day you won't remember me

Your face will be the reason I smile
But I will not see what I cannot have forever
I'll always love ya, I hope you feel the same

Oh you played me dirty, your game was so bad
You toyed with my affliction
Had to fill out my prescription
Found the remedy, I had to set you free

Away from me
To see clearly the way that love can be
When you are not with me
I had to leave, I have to live
I had to lead, I had to live

If I can't have you, let love set you free
To fly your pretty wings around
Pretty wings, your pretty wings
Your pretty wings, pretty wings around

" I've never done this for any girl, so i'm glad you like it now stop crying. Why don't we have a seat and i'll put on a movie." Odell said with a grin on his face.

He had all of my favorite foods which were hot Cheetos, gummy bears, Gatorade, Pepperoni pizza, and Doritos, and snickers. He remembered from when we were playing 21 questions in the hospital.


"Odellie i'm bored." i whined

"One don't ever call me Odellie that shits gay lets play 21 questions."

"Alright Odellie you first." i said with a grin.

"Whats your favorite color?"

"I can't just pick one so here are the basic ones yellow, pink, white, gold, and green. What's your whole name?"

"Odell Cornelious Beckham Jr. what's your full name?"

"Kadence Naire Green what's your plan for the future?"

"Make it into the NFL be a wide receiver and be the best at what I do. Marry you & get you pregnant. Whats your favorite food?"

" Hot Cheetos, gummy bears, Gatorade, Pepperoni pizza, and Doritos, and snickers."

End of Flashback

I grabbed a slice of pizza and a cup of lemonade that was sitting on the table.

"What are we watching Odell?"

" The Poltergeist why do you ask beautiful." he said with a smirk.

" You asshole you know i hate scary movies, but if i call you in the middle of the night to turn on the lights while i pee its your fault."

" Oh you'll be fine i promise i got you."


I jumped throughout the whole movie. Somehow i ended up on Odell's lap which he wasn't complaining about, but his little friend seemed to be springing into action. I cuddled up into Odell's chest and soon sleep took over me.

1 hour later

I woke up to little kisses being placed on my cheek. It was a cute little kid with the lightest skin complexion. he had curly hair, and didn't look to be more than a year old. All in all he was a cutie, but where did he come from? I tapped Odell to ask him.

"Umm... Odell who is this cutie?"

Odell eyes turned into huge saucers "This is my little brother Sonny if Sonny is here that means mom should be walking in no-"

Before Odell could finish his sentence a women who looked to be about 40 walked in yelling his name. When she walked in she stopped in the middle of her sentence. Lord i hope this goes right.

"Odell son who is this beauty right here?" she smiled

I guess it was his mom she was a beautiful women who was in great shape.

"Mom this is my girlfriend Kadence , Kadence this is my mom Heather Van Norman." Odell said nervously.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs.Heather" i stuck my hand out for her to shake.

She looked at my hand like i had a disease or something great my boyfriends mother hates me.

"Honey we don't shake hands in this family we hug." we hugged each other i'm just glad she doesn't hate me.

"Welcome to the family I guess Sonny really likes you."

"Aww he's just the cutest little thing I love kids." i said while holding him.

"Odell I came over here to tell you that you have to watch Sonny this weekend because the track team I coach is going out of town for a meet. Sorry to mess up you guys date.

"Uh no Mrs.Heather its fine I can help you Odell with Sonny if you like?"

"Yes please alright ma we got it from here and go win a meet."

"Thanks guys and nice meeting you Kadence such a beautiful girl."

" You too Mrs. Heather and thanks."

"Odell its pretty late I guess we should give him a bath and some food."

Odell agreed we bathed Sonny gave him a bottle and read him a bedtime story he was falling asleep in my lap while Odell was dozing off on my shoulder. Looking closely at Odell you can see how handsome he is. I really hope this works out because i'm stuck on him now.

What do you guys think? Where should I go with this story? Did you guys like this chapter? I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

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