Grey place (10)

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Grey place

All I see is darkness. It doesn’t look or feel the way it does when you close your eyes or when you’re put in a dark room, the blackness swirls and spirals madly. I feel senseless, there is no sound, and there are no smells. I always thought death would be more torturous than this experience.  Then I feel ground under my body, I can feel a cool stone floor underneath my hands. I open my eyes and get off my stomach and scramble onto my feet. This place is dark and grey but had a red hue; it looks like a rocky tunnel or a backless cave. The walls and roof are like a jagged dome. I feel light headed almost like this place is unreal. I woman approaches me; she’s walking from the distance in my direction. I look behind me to see a wall; I look up to see the swirling dark abyss start to close above me. I jump up and try to get my hand through the darkness, to see if I can go back home. I fail miserably. The hole is gone and the woman is getting very close; she’s wearing a relatively tight red skirt that reaches just past her knees (I think there called pencil skirts) and a black blouse. It appears she is carrying a clipboard. All too soon she is right next to me. There’s something odd about her features but I’m not sure what it is, I still feel a bit weird from falling through the bazar abyss. Her face reminds me of a sketch by a professional artist, her face is angular and defined like every feature, every pore was deliberately placed there. She is very pretty but there’s something more, my mind focuses and I realize that her eyes are the colour of fresh oozing blood.

“Name?” She asks in a firm voice.

“Lindsey.” I was too shocked to keep my wits about me; in an ordinary situation I probably would have ignored the woman and tried to walk away with my face hidden by my hair. A sleek smirk moved her face and she seemed a little less rigid.

“You’re just in time Miss Grey; he’s been waiting for you.” She turns around and starts to walk away slowly, just like her looks she makes every move on purpose; she had that essence of someone who thinks they are very important. And who was he? She can’t be talking about Adam can she, the clumsy yet kind albino immortal that just saved me from being skinned alive?

She looks back to me and nudges her head in the direction of the space in the tunnel ahead. I follow her for it is clear there is no other means of escape. Like usual, my eyes find the floor as I try to be as invisible as possible. For the first day of my life, I think I’d rather this had been a school day, and then none of this would have ever happened. I’ve found out some interesting facts thought:

I’m not a killer,

I’m not a werewolf,

I am lost in a very odd place,

There are weird humanoids called Immortals (and whatever this woman was),

And there are probably two of them trying to find and kill me right this second.

Authers note: If there's any mistakes please say so :). Hope you like it, it's another short chapter but I wanted to keep you all interested! There should be some crutial plot developements happening soon :D so keep reading! If you like please vote, commemt and fan, it means a lot to me.

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