Grey Matter (5)

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Grey Matter

“Hey, look!” Margery Optinin shouts to all her friends, “It’s Lindsey no Grey matter!” They all crack up laughing. I hear Quentin mumble something like ‘stupid freak’ in my direction.

I stomp home childishly crying; it’s the end of Friday’s school day and I just want to be on my own.

“Hey Lindsey, you know it’s only eleven days till your birthday. So I was wondering what you’d like to have for dinner that day…” My mum rambles. She turns round and sees the tears on my face. “Honey what’s wrong?”

“Mum, there’s something I have to say. I’m being bullied at school, I have no friend and to be honest I just want to sit in my room and die on my birthday.”


“NO! Just listen! The reason I feel this way mum is because I’m a werewolf!” I feel breathless; I can’t stop panting from the long run home.

“Darling, that’s…” She laughs nervously, “That’s ridiculous! There’s no such thing as…”

“But there is mum!” I shout at her, “I killed dad, and all those missing people that was me as well!”

“Look Lindsey.” She says frustrated, “You sound a little confused. Maybe you should go to your room and calm down. When you learn to stop shouting you can come back and I can comfort you about the school and friend issues until then you can leave me alone and get your facts straight.”



I sit and cry in my room until it starts to get dark.

Authers note: I know this chapter is kind of short but it's just a build up to the next one wich should be longer and have more action. :) 

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