The Girl in the Fireplace Pt. 2

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Zana woke to a sharp stinging on the right side of her neck. A soft groan escaped her lips as she blinked a few times, trying to adjust her eyes to the bright fluorescent lights of the futuristic spaceship. She tried to raise her hand so she could rub her eyes, but she soon found that she was restrained. Great. Just her luck.

"Zana?" Rose's voice made her turn her head to see that she too, along with Mickey, was tied down.

"Are you alright? What about you, Mickey?" Zana asked her quickly, seeing that they weren't alone. The Clockwork Droids were watching them like hawks.

"They're going to chop us up, just like the crew. They're going to chop us up and stick us all over their stupid spaceship!" Mickey exclaimed as he panicked. Zana gulped as he looked at Rose. "And where's the Doctor? Where's the precious Doctor now? He's been gone for flipping hours, that's where he is!"

The gears of one of the droids clicked as it moved closer to the blonde. "You are compatible."

"Well, you might want to think about that," Rose told it, trying, but failing, to seem frightening. Zana leaned her head back onto the platform she was on and let out a deep breath. She had faith in Rose. Hopefully, she knew what the hell she was doing. "You really, really, might, because me and Mickey, we didn't come here alone. Oh no. And trust me, you wouldn't want to mess with our designated driver."

Zana gasped along with Rose as a blade extended from the droid's hand. It was a mere few inches from Rose's throat.

"Ever heard of the Daleks? Remember them?" Rose's voice sounded more panicked than before. "They had a name for our friend. They had myths about him and a name. They called him the-" a loud crash rang out, followed by a familiar voice drunkenly belting out a tune.

"I could've danced all night, I could've danced all night-"

Rose tried to ignore it, "They called him the..They called him the, the-"

Zana's eyes widened in surprise when the Doctor sauntered in, with his tie around his head and a goblet-looking cup in his hand.

"And still have begged for more! I could've spread my wings and done a thou- Have you met the French?" He suddenly quit singing and asked the three shocked humans. None of them answered. They simply gaped at him. "My god, they know how to party."

"Oh, look at what the cat dragged in," Rose glared at him, clearly annoyed. "The Oncoming Storm."

She couldn't tell because of the sunglasses he was donning, but Zana just had a feeling the Doctor rolled his eyes at the comment. "Oh, you sound just like your mother."

"What've you been doing? Where've you been?"

"Well, among other things, I think just invented the banana daiquiri a few centuries early. Do you know, they've never even seen a banana before!" He stepped up to her and grinned. "Always take a banana to a party, Rose. Bananas are good!"

"You can't be serious right now," Zana shook her head, still having trouble believing that the Doctor had just gone off and partied away while they had been here, being held captive by evil bloody robots.

"Serious as a heart attack," his grin widened before turning to the droid next to Rose and laughing. "Oh ho, ho, ho, ho, brilliant. It's you! You're my favorite, you are! You are the best! Do you know why? Because you're so...thick! You're Mister Thick Thick Thickety Thick Face from Thicktown, Thickania," he went to walk away, but turned back quickly, "And so's your dad."

"Wow. Don't spare its feelings or anything," Zana muttered sarcastically under her breath as he wandered around the room, ignoring the anxious look Rose was sending him. She did, after all, still have a blade to her throat.

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