JUST DO IT (Ch. 14)

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We burst through the door instantly feeling the heat from the house on our bodies. We felt like frozen meat being thawed out from being drenched in the rain from our date, I shivered as he held me close his heart beat quickened when I rested my head against his chest. I felt his cold lips touch against my forehead, water dripping from our bodies onto the floor. His soft wet brown hair tickled my nose causing me to scrunch it up causing him to chuckle.

Harry kissed down the bridge of my nose to my lips, pecking it then pulling back, our breathing increasing as we gazed at each other.

"I'm sorry it rained, I know y-" I said rubbing his bicep while he rubbed my back.

"Shhh it's okay." He placed his finger over my lips, sending chills all over my body.

Harry moved his finger from my lips and held my chin tilting me head up to face his, this time I would finally be the time that I would get the kiss of my dreams, I just knew it. Ever so slowly our faces became closer, closer, and closer. Until finally...

"JUST DO IT!!" I heard Niall's strong Irish accent cheer.

"What?" I said feeling reddened in the face as I looked at Niall strangely.

"DON'T LET YOUR DREAMS BE DREAMS!! Just.. just DO IT!!" Niall said acting like Shia Labeouf.

"Damn it, there goes that..." I cursed under my breath.

"What did you say love?" Harry said giving me a squeeze with his arm as we both faced Niall still drenched in rain water.

"I said... we should probably go get dried off... A-and change into warm clothes..." I smiled innocently up at him.

"B-but ya gotta JUST DO IT!!" Niall pouted still doing the gestures like Shia did.

"Maybe later, love." I smiled kindly at him.

"Heyy... I thought I was your love!" Harry said sticking his bottom lip out at me.

"Harry, you're my.."

"You're her Do it buddy!" Niall winked as I felt my face turn bright red.

"Niall!" I said giving him my angry embarrassed face.

"Nialler my friend... You are absolutely right!" Harry said slinging me over his shoulder with a wink back at Niall.

"Harry!Put me down!!" I said swatting at his butt.

"Save it for later my cupcake!" He said heading for the stairs.

"Ohh when you set me down, you'll be sorry!"

"I'll be sure to where me earplugs!" Niall said plopping down on the couch.

"Niall James Horan we are not gonna get it on!!" I said angrily as Harry carried me up the stairs to his room.

I heard Harry start singing "Let's get it on, let's get it oonn." Which just got my hearts beating to increase for 2 reasons, his voice was so pretty and he was SINGING LETS GET IT ON.

When Harry sat me down on his bed I was furious, arms crossed over my chest, scowl and all.

"Aww c'mon Charlotte, I was just kidding! You know I wouldn't actually.. Wait no no I would I mean!"

My scowl got bigger until he just stopped speaking, giving me my chance to argue and tell my side.

"Harry, you would be HONORED to do thiiss but that's not why I'm angered! You could have just told the truth.. I can't belie-" I was cut off, but not by words, or a knife. Only the lips of a curly-haired man, with beautiful green eyes.

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