An Awkward Acquaintance (Ch.6)

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I woke up to hear the shower running and singing that came from Harry's bathroom. His voice was BEAUTIFUL! I couldn't believe it, sure I faintly remember Him singing me to sleep but I was too drunk to listen, and even remember it. But this time, I could tell that Harry was truly gifted, and his song choice was amazing as well, it showed me who He really was, what He was going through. I knew Harry was sweet but.. but this gave me a whole new perspective about him.

I got up and went downstairs to the kitchen grabbing the ingredients to make breakfast, pancakes and kale smoothies; sure it sounds lame when you get to the Kale smoothie part but I really was interested to taste this magical green drink that Harry was so in love with!

I made breakfast and sat it down on the table, I heard Harry's foot steps come down the stairs. "Oh goody, I hopes he likes his breakfast! He is gonna be so surprised!" I said walking out to the living room where the stairs were seeing a completely nude harry. I was the one who was surprised, THAT is most DEFINITELY true!

"What are you doing!?" I shouted and gasped slapping my hands over my eyes.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I thought you were in your room getting dressed, I like to walk around naked sometimes..." He said VERY apologetically.

"Yeah, uh huh I got the memo!" I said still keeping my eyes covered up.

"You can open your eyes now." He said as I slowly did.

He was now wearing a pair of yellow swimming trunks that he must have pulled out of the laundry basket sitting near the stairs. How convenient!

"Thank heavens!" I muttered under my breath.

"Say what are you doing down here anyway?" He said walking over to where I was.

"I decided to make us breakfast, as a return for the hospitality you've shown me but now I'm not so sure that the hospitality is the only thing you've shown me!" I laughed at my joke, maybe a little to much. We walked into the dining room I heard Harry take a deep inhale as he smelt what I had prepared for us.

"You even made Kale smoothies!!!" He said hurriedly sitting down, I laughed and sat with him.

"I did, I did, you made them sound very very tasty so I just had to include them in our breakfast!" I said as He started slurping it down.

"Now who's the thirsty one?" I chuckled as he sat the half empty cup down.

I saw his cheeky smile once again, but this time his dimples showed. "Aww oh my goodness you have dimples!!" I pointed to them as I took the first drink of my smoothie, it actually wasn't all that bad!

He started chewing his food and poked one of his dimples, "I suppose I do, don't I!" I chuckled and his eyes flickered up to see me eating, and drinking. "Hungry this morning are we?" He smirked, and finished eating as I was soon to finish mine.

We got up and headed to the kitchen to put our dishes in the sink, "Well at least I'm not hungry for attention!" I laughed and elbowed him in the chest.

"Oww my rock hard abs!"  Harry whined, as he held his abdomen. I laughed at him, but not like any other laughs that He's heard while he's known me. This time I snorted, I actually laughed, for real.

Harry wrapped his arms around me before I could even turn around to face him, I felt his hot breathe on the back of my neck. "H-harry what are you d--"

"I've never made someone laugh that hard before." He said before picking me up and tickling my stomach.

"Ahh!!! Harry, put me down!!" I laughed as he walked out of the kitchen and carried my upstairs while continued to tickle me.

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