The Beginning. (Ch. 1)

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Cody and I were sat on his couch as we watched his favorite move, The Avengers! His little sister and brother were fast asleep on our laps, his arm around me as I was cozied up to him, listening to every line come out of his mouth. "I'm gonna go put Penny and Ross to bed, ok?" I said as I slowly got up carrying Penny carefully in my arms. "Okay babe, don't be to long!" He said with a smirk as I laughed at the nerd I fell in love with when I met him in High school. I carried her upstairs and tucked her in bed, then went back downstairs to get Ross. I picked him up and headed for the stairs, when I saw the front door open. I smiled and whispered to his parents as they came back from their date. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Michael's!" His mum shot me a small grin and his dad lightly patted my back with a smile. I carried Ross up to his room and tucked him in carefully before turning around to go back downstairs.

"Cody MIchaels! I thought I told you that she is not the one!? What are you doing leading her on like that, you need to end it with her Mr!" I heard his mother hiss, as i felt my heart race.

"Mum! She is the one, I love her! You have no idea what she means to me! What she has done in my life!" He roared back.

"You're just a child what do you know about love?!" Her voice rose as I felt my head spin.

"I'm 21! For goodness sakes I am not a child anymore! And I know more about love than you EVER have!" I heard him shriek back.

"Theodore, talk to your son!" I heard Mrs. MIchaels roar with heavy footsteps to follow.

All was quiet, and I knew his father would not yell at him. I felt like vomiting but I knew this was my chance to leave. I quickly stumbled downstairs, slipping my shoes on. I walked in the living room seeing Cody's face red and wet, I burst into tears and grabbed my jacket off of the couch.

"I.. I have to go.." I whimpered, placing my hand onto his soft cheek.

"N-no Charlotte, please. You can't leave me, not now, not after all we've been through!" He grabbed my hand and stood up.

"I have to.." I slipped away from his grip and headed for the door.

"Charlotte don't do this!"

"Why!? Why Cody, HUH?! Should I stay because your mother clearly "LOVES" me?! You know I thought I could do this, I believed you when you said that She would realize that I was your other half, but its clear to me that she doesn't! With all do Respect to you Ma'am, but WHAT have I freaking done to you!? All I have done is love and support your son, I want him to be the best he can be, just like you do! And I have tried my best to get you to like me, I've been myself, I've been nice. I've been scared the hell out of but guess what I stayed, I stayed right by his damn side this whole time! So why don't you like me?!" I screamed, soon feeling awful about what I had said and quite queasy. I wiped my tears and opened the door.

"Charlotte I love you please, I can't live with out you! I need you, I want to marry you." He said following me out the door.

"Cody... please, let me go. It's over, I can't marry into your family if they don't like me, I want to marry you too, but it just can't happen. Family is huge, and I can't wreck your family. Goodbye, my love. I promise I will never EVER forget you." I looked him in the eyes and kissed him one last time, whispering onto his lips, "See you in my dreams, baby." And with that I left. I got into my truck and left him, my entire world was gone.

I let go of him.

The man of my dreams, I had lost him forever.

My universe, the one I was going to spend forever with, he was gone.

Many sleepless nights I thought about him, I missed his warm body pressed to mine as we spooned in the night. His tender kisses, and chilling touches, his raspy morning voice, the way he got nervous around me, he knew me so well and I let him slip through my fingers. He's Gone. His stories of us, our movie night, his sloppy wet kisses, they way he would chase me around with a hose in the summer. it's all gone.

Before you start calling me a douche, or heartless, just know that I did this because It was unhealthy, his mothers disapproval towards me was killing me, I'm not the type to go against the parents, that gets you no where but trouble. I had to do it, it was eating me alive.

Hi guys I hope you like this book! I'm basing off of something I came up with in my head one night when I couldn't fall asleep. It was hard for me right this part, because I have someone so dear to me, that I can't even imagine loosing, so please take it easy on me guys <3 All the love!

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