He told me He loved me (Ch.9)

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I woke up laying on Harry more than what I was when I fell asleep; this time he was awake and was actually covered unlike the first time. His long brown hair was pulled back in a cute little bun, He really pulled of the whole man bun look that was trending.

"Good morning sleeping beauty!" He said adverting his eyes away from the telly screen as I stretched still laying on top of him.

"Mm good morning Harry!" I yawned and slowly moved to get up off of him so he had his space.

He put his hand on my back lightly pushing me back down on him with a smile. "It's ok, we're not in a hurry to go anywhere." I eagerly laid back down taking in his strong heavenly scent his butterfly tattoo moving up and down as he breathed making it look like it was flying.

I smiled and traced it as he flexed his stomach, with a small laugh. "Oh sorry, does that tickle?" I said looking up at him. "Just a little." He smiled a cute smile. We stayed in bed for a while until we heard a violent pounding at the front door.

"I'll get!" Harry said getting off the bed still wearing his boxers.

"Uh... I'll go get it and let Dirty Harry get dressed and...Relaxed.." I said chuckling as I got up off the bed leaving him in the bedroom to get ready. "Damn it.." I heard him growl under His breath causing me to laugh even harder.

I walked down stairs to the poor door being beaten. "I hear you I'm coming!" I shouted as I walked the rest of the way down the long stairway.

I opened the door to see my best friend Amelia looking more crazy than ever.

"Amelia what are you doing here?" I said shocked as she through her arms around me. "Cody told me everything!!" She said in a kind voice.

I took a heavy sigh and brought her into the living room."Stay put I'll be right back, ok?" I said leaving my girly London friend alone on Harry's couch.

I walked in Harry's room to find him staring at his closet. "Get dressed my best friend is here and if she sees me in here with a half naked man she will flip out!" I walked over to his closet and started digging out clothes for him to wear.

"Here put these on!" I said throwing boxers behind me. "Oh and these pants...hmm.. What shirt.." I stood for a moment staring at his clothes until I heard a "Oh Lord have mercy!" And a thud.

I turned around to see Harry standing in his beefy Hans. AGAIN. Only this time he was one leg in his new boxers and one leg out of his old. "What have I told you!?" I said throwing his KISS shirt at him. "You told me to get dressed!!" He said putting his new boxers on.
"Finish getting ready while I drag Amelia to my bedroom." And with that I took my faint friend and laid her on my bed.

After Harry got dressed we went in my room to bring Amelia water. "Hii Amelia, I'm Harry!" He waved kindly as I handed her the glass as she sat up eyeing Harry up and down.

"Ooo boy! You're the first thing on MY to do list for a Klondike bar!" She took a drink of water after winking at him.

Harry looked shocked and cleared his throat, "I.. Um.. I'm gonna pick out your clothes now Charlotte.." He nervously chuckled and walked into my closet.

"Amelia!!" I said sitting down on my bed shocked at what she said to him.

"What!? He is CUTE!" She said softly looking into my closet at him.

"Hush he has friends I'll hook you up with Liam his really nice!" I swatted at her arm.

"Naw He's not my type, blonde hair blue eyes.."

"What? No that's Niall." I said wondering how she met him.

"Oh right I meant to tell you Cody showed me where he saw you last so I went there and some blonde guy answered. I assumed he was Liam, and then Niall told me where you were and tada!!" She said setting her drink down on my nightstand, making jazz hands.

"Charlotte, can you come here!" Harry called out to me, causing me to stand up and come quick.

"Put thissss on..." He said pulling out my favorite overalls, with one of my simple, sweet, Elvis Presley shirt."I have the perfect shoes for this outfit!!" I ran to the back of my closet and pulled out my favorite pair of Docker boots, that were made right here in England. Expensive little turds but worth it!

I rushed back to Harry and grabbed my clothes from him digging through my underwear drawer pulling out a tan bra. "Okay I'm going to get dressed so shoo, go talk to Amelia!" I sat my stuff down and waved him out the door.

"Fine but if she starts flirting with me I'm coming back in here no matter what you're wearing!" And with that he walked out of my closet leaving it cracked open just the way I liked it.

I hurriedly got undressed and redressed as fast as I could. I rolled my pant legs up and put on some white socks complementing my look with my Dockers.

"Okay you two, I'm ready!" I said as I walked out opening my arms. Harry practically jumping in them. "Thank God you're back!" He whispered in my ear causing me to laugh.

We walked downstairs as Amelia and I sat in the living room while Harry went in the kitchen and made us a healthy Kale smoothie with some fresh cut fruit.

I told Amelia the whole story, I told her about last night how I slept in Harry's room again. "He kissed me twice Amelia. I felt wanted again, I feel like I'm special again." I said hearing blending and chopping coming from the kitchen.

"Can I write a story over this part!?" She said happily.

"Amelia! He told me that He loved me." I said grabbing her hand.


"Harry told me that he loved me. And my feelings are growing in that way towards him." I said smiling sweetly at her.

She gulped looking behind me, causing me to slowly turn around to see an astonished Harry holding our breakfast on a beautiful antique silver tray.

Hiii the picture is pair of Dockers BTW! They were big in the 90s and they're made in England! ❤

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