A Day With Harry (Ch.7)

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I continued singing stay as I did my hair, my voice got louder and louder, so loud that Harry heard me and came into my room. "Charlotte!?" His voice echoed in my room. "Yes.." I croaked from inside my bathroom, "I really hope you're dressed right now.." He said before slamming the door open and picking me up giving me a hug. "Your voice is AMAZING! I've never heard anything like it!" I blushed at his kind words.

"M-my voice? No,no,no YOUR voice, it is absolutely beautiful!" I said giving him a squeeze.

"We should do a cover together!" He cheered setting me back down on the floor.

"Oh, Harry I don't know... I can't even figure out how I want to style my hair for the day, let alone pick out the right song, and day and outfit for making a singing video to post for all the world to see!!" I said pointing to my beach blonde wavy long hair, that needed styled to match my outfit.

"Here I'll do your hair for you, give me a ponytail holder!" He said motioning for one.

I gave him an elastic and he put my hair in a messy yet neat bun that complimented my outfit perfectly.

"Hmm.. not bad, I like it!" I said slipping my choker necklace over my head.

"Me too! See now you can cross that off your list of things to do!" He said referring to the worried words I had said.

We walked downstairs getting ready to start our days, together or apart? Honestly, I wish it was together just going out for a day in the small Holmes Chapel town, learning more about him and his childhood. But on the other hand I would like to go to my best friend Amelia's house so that I could tell her about everything going on, with the breakup and Harry kissing me... But I think we all know that I'm not going to get to spend the day with Harry, that's insane, right?

"So what are you doing today?" I asked nonchalantly while drinking a glass of water.

"Well I figured we could get your truck unpacked and then maybe take a stroll around town before dark, or something like that." He smiled as he started making himself another kale smoothie.

I almost choked on my water after he said that, wishing that I could slap myself. "R-really? You don't want to get away from me, you actually want to help me, and be around me?" I asked feeling a little red in the face at the thought of him staying.

"Of course I do, I'd love to get to know you better. Oh and we also said we'd unpack your truck last night before bed but we only got eight boxes out and got like three unpacked." We chuckled and finished up our drinks then headed to my truck to unpack.

"Hop up in there!" Harry said giving me a pat on the back as I climbed into my truck, pulling boxes and suitcases out one by one... by one!

"FINALLY!!" I said as we got all the boxes up in my room.

"Ok now the fun part!" He smirked cheekily.

"Unpacking!" We sarcastically cheered like white girls.

I pulled out my radio and plopped in one of my favorite CD's "Michael Jackson Number One's".

"I hope you like M.J." I said as Michael's voice started blasting from my shiny white radio.
He smiled and sang along REALLY loudly, and REALLY badly! "Oh my word you have the voice of an Angel!" I laughed and sang 'Don't stop till you get enough.'


After unpacking box after box and unzipping my two suitcases for an hour or so we finally got everything done, finally!

"Just in time for Dirty Diana!!" I squealed as I heard the music come on. "I love this song!!" I said jumping to my feet.

"Well of course you do!" He winked at me as he stood up and started dancing with me, like children at a wedding reception; jumping around and dancing foolishly.

"Hey what's THAT suppose to mean!?" I said purposely stepping on his foot.

"Owie! Well I figured a girl like you would like a song like that." He smirked and laughed as I poked him in the stomach.

"Oh you're gonna be sorry for saying that!" I jumped on him and started tickling him so that he fell to the ground.

"Mwahahahahaha!!!" I continued tickling him as his nose scrunched up and his dimples showed through, once again.

"Charlotte!!" I stopped a second to let him catch his breath and poked his dimples, "Wow you could fill these things up with water and let people swim in them, how cute!" He picked me up, and slung me over his shoulder carrying me downstairs and carefully slamming me on the living room floor.

"You're right I am sorry, but I'm gonna get you!" Harry leaned down and blew a raspberry on my bare stomach causing me to be shocked but laugh very hard.

"N-no! Not the stomach anything but that Harry!!" I kicked my legs and whacked his back as he blew harder on my stomach.

"What? Dirty Charlotte doesn't like raspberries?" I felt his lips smirk onto my stomach as he referred to me being dirty when we were listening to dirty Diana.

"Well in that case.." I reached out as far as I could and I slapt his arse, causing him to let out a gasp and a small groan; making me laugh harder.

"I'll have to remember not to do that...for a while!" This time I was the one smirking as Harry got up and blushed, helping me up

"F-for a while?"

"Well yeah! I can't just forget about something that makes me smile!" I stuck my tongue out at him and started to walk upstairs.

"Ch-Charlotte? Do you want to just stay here and watch movies?" He said a twinkle in his eyes as he sat on the Davenport.

"I'd absolutely love to!" I smiled and joined him on the couch.

"You have the Notebook?" I said sitting on his floor looking for a movie since we didn't find anything on Netflix.

He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, "uh.. Yeah.. Is that bad?"

"It's sweet, we can watch it if you'd like?" I said smiling at him

"I'd love too!! I mean... Yeah cool whatever..." I laughed at him and put the movie in then sat next to him on the couch.
He put his arm around me causing me to lean on him.

As the moon soon came into sight I felt my eyelids feel heavy, the movie was almost done I can do this I know it!

"Getting sleepy?" He said and smiled.

"Pshh no..." He laughed and rubbed my back, then tickled my side.

"You can't miss the end!" This time he was the one sticking out his tongue.

"I'm awake!!" I squirmed and sat up.

"You're so cute." He mumbled as I looked up at him with a smile. I really liked Harry, but I wasn't over Cody, I don't think I'll ever get over my first love.

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