Game Time (Ch.4)

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Harry wasn't one for letting go first when it came to hugs, so I had to make the first move. I really didn't want to let go at all but I had to, I couldn't just stand in the bathroom hugging a new friend / stranger who I felt like I knew in a life far away from this one.

I sniffled and pulled away slowly out of his arms, he gave me a soft squeeze before letting me go. "Let's go hang with the guys ok? They are very good at distracting people." He smiled at me as I walked out with him to the living room.

Liam came over to Harry and the whispered something to each other, with a smile and a "sneaky" thumbs up to the others. I walked over to the couch where Louis and Niall were sat.

"Wanna play against us?" Louis asked me while handing me a controller.

"Sure, I'd love to!"

"Gotta warn ya, I'm pretty good!" Niall said with his heavy Irish accent.

"We'll see about that!" I responded as we started our game.

Louis started out in first, but soon faded to second as Niall took the lead. I soon passed Louis and headed for Niall, it was our second lap going for our third, I had to win! I always beat Cody when we played, and it was always right about.. "Now!" I shouted as I took first place leaving them in the dust.

"SHIT!!" Niall swore loudly after He saw me pass him and get closer to the finish line.

I laughed at him, sticking my tongue out so he was sure to see that I was proud of me taking first place.

"Yes, yes, go GO GO GO YESS!! I WON!!" I said shooting up from my seat and dancing in front of them all. They all laughed at me, as Harry and Liam came and sat with us.

I grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him up with me so he was dancing to the cheap Mario Kart music with me.

I laughed leaning my head back as Harry picked me up and twirled me around. "How much have you had to drink tonight Charlotte?" He laughed as he sat me back down on the floor.

"Nothing yet I'm just glad I still got it! I use to always beat Cody when we'd play and he'd tickle me till I.. I couldn't breathe." I said soon feeling sad again, missing Cody once again, seeing his face hovered over mine when he would tickle me, rubbing our noses together so we Eskimo kissed. I touched my lips softly, remembering the taste of his lips.

"Charlotte..." Harry lightly placed his hand on my cheek. "Everything's gonna be okay, I promise." I wrapped my arms around his turso, his arms around my shoulder area.

"I'm sorry I keep doing this to you guys.." I said pulling back just enough to see them all.

"Don't be love, we've all been down that road!" Louis said with a cute smile.

Harry wiped my tears as I slowly let go of him. There was just something about him that I was drawn to. "Let's go get you some water, ok?" I nodded my head as Harry led me to the kitchen, getting me cup down so I could get some ice water.

I propped myself up on the counter so I was the same height as Harry was. He handed me my water and I guzzled it down. He leaned against the fridge across from me watching in awe at how fast I drank the water.

"Thirsty are ya?" He said with a small smile.

I blushed and sat my empty cup down. "Oh ya know, just a little bit!" I said with a chuckle. My eyes wondered around the room as I skimmed over the clock on the stove.

"Oh my gosh is it really 6:00!?" I said almost falling off the counter.

"Oh, yeah I guess it is. Do you have to be somewhere?" Harry asked, his mood soon changing to worried, and a little panicked. "No.. I have no where else to go. I.. I'm now homeless. I mean I guess I can live in my truck for a while, b-but.." Harry walked over to me and placed his hands on my shoulders, making our faces quite close to each others.

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