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"All endings are also new beginnings, we just don't know it at the time." -Mitch Albom


We sit on the beach, looking out at the water. I am sandwiched in between Jake and Asher. Asher is sitting next to Keelian, Jade, and Ryder, while Allie, Nate, and Liam are out by the water. They splash around in the water, and I can tell they are having a good time.

I glance over at my boyfriend, to see his eyes gleaming with something new. His expression is raw, and I can tell he is passionate at whatever it is. He stares out at the horizon, those light blue eyes sparkling in amusement.

I turn to glance at Jake, who instantly looks over at me. He frowns and wrinkles his forehead at me.

"What's wrong?" he asks, just quiet enough Asher can't hear.

I shrug my shoulders, "He looks.... I can't tell but it's something, strange," I say quietly.

Jake chuckles, "You mean, happy?" he asks raising one of his dark eyebrows at me.

I roll my eyes at my best friend. Maybe Jake is right, maybe I am insane. I guess I have never seen Asher look like this, and I have never seen him fully content. Except for when we are making out, well I hope he's happy then.

I nudge Asher in the rib with my elbow, and raise an eyebrow at him. He quickly whips his head to face me and frowns.

"What?" he asks, grabbing my hand, and entwining his fingers with mine.

Suddenly I forget whatever I was going to ask him, and simply smile at him, "I forget, it must have not mattered," I say quietly.

What was I on about, again?

I look back up at the calm waters, and the light blue sky that is pretty clear for a late October day. I spot Liam and Allie retreating to the log we are sitting on.

"Come on guys, let's have some fun!" Liam exclaims, grinning at us as he holds onto Allie's hand.

I glance back at Nate who is glaring at Liam. What's going on there? Liam and Nate are great friends, so why is Nate glaring at him?

We jump up, and race down the sandy beach towards the water. I grip onto Asher's smooth and warm hand as we walk over to Nate. I give the brunette haired boy a questionable look, but he just sighs and looks away from me.

I grab onto his arm and drag him into the crowd of the rest of us. I cup my hands together and lower them into the salty and cold waters. I glance down at the pool of water that I collected in my hands and quickly throw it at Nate.

His forest green eyes widen, and his lips are formed in an 'o' shape. I resist the urge to laugh and fall down onto the sand, and decide I should probably run away from him.

I run behind Asher, and use my boyfriend as a human shield. I peek out behind Asher's tall and muscular frame to see Nate scooping some water in his hands. I decide it's time to retreat, and I run away from Asher and closer to the road.

I turn around, and giggle when I spot Nate running after me, all the salt water spilling out of the bottom of his palms. I stop running to catch my breath, and Nate stumbles next to me. Asher and Liam stroll over to us, and roll their eyes.

Asher grabs onto my waist, and gives me a hug from behind.  Keelian and Ryder run over to the group, and smile brightly at us. Jade and Jake come stumbling behind them.

"I am so lucky to have you, assholes," I say, smiling brightly at them.

They all chuckle, and Ryder rolls his eyes at me, "And you say you aren't a bitch," he says raising a brow at me.

I playfully hit his arm, and shoot him a half glare. We all form some sort of huddle, we wrap our arms around the two people next to us, in a circle and hug.

We slowly let go of each other, "You guys are great," Allie says, an amused look on her face, "I never thought I would make such good friends,"

I nod my head in agreement, "Neither did I," I admit.

I scan everyone's faces and Jake's face quickly lights up, "First one to the drunk boulder, gets to pick the fast food!" he exclaims, referring to the rock everyone gets drunk on.

We all look over to the far side of the beach at the large piece of rock, "You are on!" I hear Nate exclaim enthusiastically.

We all start to bolt towards the boulder. I decide I want to do a light jog towards it, and Asher jogs next to me. I glance over at my friends who are all bolting with all their might towards the boulder.

From what I can tell Jake is in the front, and Liam is a close second. I watch as Jake touches the boulder first and yells in triumph. Liam touches it next, and sighs. I speed up, and so does Asher.

We reach the boulder after Allie, Ryder, Keelian, Nate, and Jade. Our friends crowd next to the boulder, smiling evilly.

We reach there and I hear Jade yelling at her twin brother and Liam, "That's not fair! Jake you do soccer, and Liam you do football!" she exclaims loudly, glaring at the two boys.

Jake rolls his eyes at his sister, "You do physics!" he argues back.

We all watch the two siblings argue, and they eventually start to laugh. We all join in the laughter, and I look at my friends, and for the first time in ages I feel content for once. I grin at my friends, and I genuinely mean it.

I look out at the water, and an uneasy feeling washes over me. The waters seem calm for now, but I can tell that a storm is brewing. This storm just might be what finally sinks my ship. And by storm, I am referring to the person.

That's a matter for another time I suppose, because right now I am the happiest I have been in years. I am finally myself, and I have Asher. It can't get much better than this.



This story is over, oh my. What a journey, what a journey. I wrote this story in April 2015 for Camp NaNoWriMo. The total word count at the time was 54,893 words. I think I have taken away/added a few.

This was honestly one of the first stories of mine that I actually enjoyed. I loved writing this so much, and towards the end it gets too cheesy for my taste, but I still really liked it.

I hope you enjoyed reading this book, just as much as I did writing it!

Now, I have been contemplating for awhile if I should write a sequel for it or not. As you can see I left it with a little bit of unsettlement. I have some ideas, but it might take this series to have a whole new twist. If anyone would like to see that, please comment below, but at the moment it isn't on my schedule.

I write two books a year, one for Camp NaNoWriMo in April, and one in NaNoWriMo in November. I am writing a sequel for my other book 'The Disappearance of Bexley Tate' in November, and in April I am going to try and write something dystopian. So my schedule is full for the year, but if any of you would like a sequel, I can see what I can do!

If you liked this book I would suggest reading 'The Disappearance of Bexley Tate', it's being slowly posted at the moment but in my opinion it is way better than this book. A lot of detail (maybe even too much), and I am actually editing it before I post it.

Thank you to everyone who has read, voted, and commented on this book! You have no idea just how much it means to me! Thank you so much!

Until next time,


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