Chapter Sixteen: Double Date

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++Chapter Sixteen: Double Date++

"We met for a reason, either you are a blessing or a lesson."-Unknown



I enter the restaurant, and glance around for a sign of any of my friends. Why the heck did I agree to this? I could name at least a hundred more things I would rather be doing on my Friday night. I walk up to the hostess and give her my brightest smile.

The red head girl, instantly gives me a flirty smirk, and looks me up and down. I look down at my outfit, what is so special with my dress shirt and dark washed jeans? I am not dressed super fancy, but I am not dressed casually. So can she stop checking me out shamelessly?

"Reservation?" she asks, her blue eyes peering into mine.

I smile polietly, "It should be under Stone, Johnson, Type, or.... Probably Type," I say, forgetting Allie's last name.

She glances down at the book and nods her head, "Oh yes, it's Type for four?" she asks, raising a brow at me.

I nod my head, "That is me," I say.

She grabs a menu from the side, and gestures towards the rest of the fancy restaurant, "Right this way, sir," she says leading me towards the table.

I follow the flirty redhead through the restaurant and to the very far side of it. The restaurant has an intimate and romantic theme to it. There are roses on each table, and the restaurant is barely lit besides the candles on each table.

She places the menu down at a booth in a dark corner, and gives me a flirty wave, "I will guide the rest of your, accompaniments to your table when they get here, sir," she says quietly, and then scurries off.

I nervously drum my fingers against the wooden table, nervous for this double date. Nervous to see Allie, but even more nervous to see Clara. I have been seeing that girl in a new light, ever since I helped her with her math, and now I am scared at what I feel.

When we are together, there is just some sort of spark. When I touch her, I get all tingly and all that cliché crap. I know she's dating my best friend, but is it fate? Are me and Clara meant to be? The Asher Johnson that everyone else knows, wouldn't even dare think about all this, but deep inside I can't help but think about her in that way.

I am a horrible person, even the person I keep from everyone else is a horrible person. I am thinking about Clara Stone, my best friends girl in this way. If Liam knew, I would be beheaded. Shucks, if Liam knew I would hate myself for making him feel awkward.

I can't feel this way about her... There has to be some sort of way I can let these feelings out. I just want them to be gone, and disappear.


The busty red headed hostess leads us to our table, throughout the intimate restaurant. The ambiance lighting is low, and the candlelight is high. It has the perfect romantic theme, except didn't I ask Liam if we could go to McDonalds?

I won the bet, and I was supposed to pick where we ate. I told Liam somewhere not fancy or romantic, but look where he chose. I glance over at the dark haired boy, dressed in a white dress top, and black slacks. He looks like he just got out of band practice, but obviously hotter.

I glance over at Allie, who seems to be beaming with excitement. The blonde haired girl curled her usually straight hair, and pulled on a shimmery emerald green dress that compliments her pale skin tone. She looks radiant and elegant, and I am nearly embarrassed to be in her presence.

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