Chapter Eight: Dickwad

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++Chapter Eight: Dickwad++  

'"People in general would rather die than forgive. It's that hard." -Sue Monk Kidd


"What?" Asher asks, his jaw clenching nervously.

"The door is locked... I don—"

Asher quickly jumps up from his chair, and bolts over to the door. I lean against  wall next to the door, and watch as Asher twists the door knob a couple times and slams it a bit. Something isn't right here! Doesn't Mrs. Tilson need some lab equipment for the lab today?

"That is impossible! I don't believe it! It was unlocked when I came in unless...." Asher trails off, his face paling.

"Unless?" I ask, placing my hands on my hips.

Asher frowns, "Liam," He says quietly.

I gasp, "You think Liam locked us in here? Don't you think that would be the least likely thing he would do?"

Asher shakes his head, and yet again combs his hand through his brown locks. He looks down at the ground, and paces nervously. I frown, what the heck is he doing?

Asher suddenly stops pacing, "Of course! Okay, so what I think went down is that Mrs. Tilson wants to do a lab with Mr. Felix's class, next door. She leaves us in here, and they all walk out the door and on the way out Liam locks the door! That explains why they wouldn't need lab equipment, and wouldn't be in here," he says, furrowing his eyebrows.

I stare at him intensely. Did Asher just brainstorm, and create an intelligent scenario that he thinks happened? He has a brain, and can use it?

"How does that explain why Liam locked us in here though?" I ask, quirking an eyebrow at him.

Asher shakes his head at me mockingly, and chuckles, "Wow... you aren't that intelligent are you?" he asks.

I roll my eyes at him, "At least I don't burn my brain cells by using drugs, or whatever," I say bitterly.

"Isn't it obvious? We were fighting earlier... Liam locked us in here hoping we would become friends. You are a girl! Don't you watch all those cliché movies and what not? Liam isn't that original and probably took this straight out of a book!" He exclaims.

I widen my eyes at Asher's new found intelligence, why is he acting so smart? Isn't he supposed to be a druggie and skip most of his classes? Last week he claimed we have photography and this class together, and I have seen him in photography once, and biology... well this is the first time I have seen him in this class.

"I doubt Liam actually did that! Someone probably just hit the lock button by accident or something," I state, going with the more reasonable decision.

Asher snorts, and decides to try opening the door again. He slams his muscular torso against the door, but fails and falls to the ground. So much for that intelligence....

Asher winces in pain, and I extend my hand down to him, "Would you like help up, you idiot?" I ask, between laughs.

He shoots me a glare, but grabs my hand anyways. When we make contact, I get a weird feeling run through my body.... Almost like an electrical shock. Oh, he probably just got some static from all his attacking doors and what not.

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