Chapter Ten: Chances

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++Chapter Ten : Chances++

"Making a big life choice is scary, but you want to know what is scarier? Regret."-Unknown


I stroll through my house on my way to the kitchen to get some breakfast, when I hear a noise, specifically the doorbell noise. I groan loudly and stride quickly towards the door. I pass our digital clock on the way, to see the time is ten thirty. Who the hell is trying to talk to us this early? Oh I bet it is one of mom's crazy friends!

I look down at my blue hoodie and grey sweatpants, I guess this is decent enough.  I pull open the door, and my jaw drops at who I see standing at the door. A dark haired brunette stands there looking sheepish, and a light brunette haired boy is nervously standing beside him.

Why the hell are they over here? If they want to come in, I have to hide all my scattered sheet music and all my instruments! I tap my feet patiently, waiting for one of them to explain.

"Hey Clara," Liam says, enthusiastically.

I want to run into his arms and give him a huge hug, but as long as Asher is also here, I have to be a cold hearted bitch. I take a deep breath, trying to prepare myself for the act. I cross my arms over my chest and glare at the two of them.

"Why the fuck are you here?" I ask, angrily.

Liam dugs on Asher's hoodie sleeve, "Tell her, Asher," he exclaims.

Asher gives me a pained expression and groans, "Liam wants us to bond," he says quietly.

I frown, Liam wants us to what? Doesn't Liam know that at the end of the day my alter ego might actually kill Asher? I groan loudly, there goes a nice day of music practice.

"Fine, come in. Liam, just because we are bonding doesn't mean we are going to become friends," I say shooting him a glare.

Liam rolls his eyes, "You never know... Maybe you two will really actually like each other," he says.

Boy, Asher is right.... Liam watches way too many of those cliché movies. He thinks me and Asher are going to become friends, by 'bonding'. Does he even know the two of us? Within a half an hour we will be back to calling each other names, and arguing.

Liam bids us farewell, and I open the door wide enough for Asher to walk in. He awkwardly waltzes into the entryway, and looks around my house in amazement.

It isn't a super nice house, but it is fairly new. My parents bought it from new construction around five years ago. It is very modern and big. The entry way is the whole highlight of the house though in my opinion. The ceilings are as high as the roof and there is an open spiraling staircase to the left, to the right there is the living room, and if you continue straight you can access the kitchen and dinning room.

"You have a nice house," Asher says quietly, as he gazes up at the high ceiling, and at the mezzanine that the stairs lead up to.

I shrug my shoulders, "Yeah it is nice, I guess," I state, closing the door after him.

Asher turns to me and raises an eyebrow, "What do you want to do?"

I shrug my shoulders, "We can do what you want or whatever. I don't really care, and if you want we can go out, I would almost prefer it actually...." I trail off.

Asher's eyes light up, at the mention of going out, "Do you want to grab coffee or something, if we do that it may make Liam satisfied, and we can part quicker," he says.

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