Chapter Seven: Chemical Bond

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++Chapter Seven: Chemical Bond++

"Success makes so many people hate you. I wish it wasn't that way. It would be wonderful to enjoy success without seeing envy in the eyes of those around you." -Marilyn Monroe


I stroll into my second class of my Tuesday, Biology. I peer down the middle of the class, looking for Liam. I see him sitting in the back, in a three person spot. Liam looks up and waves me over, I smile and walk over to him.

As I walk down the aisle, all of my classmates seem to glue their eyes to me. I self-consciously clutch my binder to my chest. I don't get self-conscious often, but today I am on edge. I am letting the notes get to me I think.

I slide into the middle seat at the table, next to Liam. His pale lips curve up into a grin, and he wraps his arm over my shoulder as I place my binder and bag on the table. I cuddle up into his arms, and inhale his scent.

He smells like laundry detergent, clean and fresh. Boy, do I ever love that smell. I feel stares being imprinted into me, so I quickly lift my head off of Liam. He drops his arm, from my shoulders and runs a hand through his floppy chestnut coloured hair.

"It's nice to see you, I didn't see you this morning," Liam says, furrowing his bushy eyebrows together.

I frown, "Sorry, I slept through my alarm, got here just as the bell went!" I exclaim.

Liam gives me a small smile, and nods his head, "Well I am just glad you are here now,"

The bell rings, signalling the start of class. I watch as a couple more students trickle in, and make their ways to a seat. I glance around the classroom to see no other empty seats besides the one next to me. I guess people are too nervous to sit near me.... Oh well.

I suddenly hear the obnoxiously loud noise of high heels clicking on the floor. I bring my attention towards the door, to see satan walk through the door. She slams the door closed, and continues to march over to her desk. Her white blouse flaps as she walks, and her black pencil skirt tightens with every skirt. She smiles at us, flashing her coffee-stained teeth.

"Good morning class," she says, and I can hear the lack of enthusiasm in her tone.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes at her, I never thought a teacher could ever be so evil but she is. Mrs. Tilson, is rude, obnoxious, and can't even teach! She literally hands us a lab and tells us to try it for fun. How the heck is biology fun?

"I see you are all very happy today, since it is a Tuesday, I decided we should do a lab! How exciting is that?" she asks, as she sits down at her desk.

See? Another lab, would you look at that! I swear all we do are labs, and we never learn anything! We have these huge biology textbooks for a reason. I actually gave up on even bringing mine to class, she never makes us use it anyways!

I hear the door click open, and I instantly bring my gaze to the front. Who the heck is late? Don't they know Mrs. Tilson will kill them? My jaw drops, as I recognize the brunette boy, gawking at the desks in the classroom.

Why the heck is Asher here? I haven't ever seen him in here... oh wait, I hadn't even see him at school at all. I swear he hasn't been to a single one of these classes though. Asher looks calm, as he walks over to Mrs. Tilson's desk, clutching his binder and biology textbook. See! That proves how much he goes to this class, he thinks he actually needs the textbook!

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