Chapter Three: Fuck Chivalry

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++Chapter Three: Fuck Chivalry++

"It is better to be respected than it is to be popular. Popularity ends on yearbook days, but respect lasts forever," -Unknown


Today is Monday and we have school off, so when Liam called me and asked me on a date I was ecstatic. He called me and asked me if I would like to go see a movie, and what can I say? I love movies a lot, and I like Liam a lot, so of course I said yes.

Currently I am waiting for Liam to pick me up, he said he would pick me up at two o'clock, and right now it is one fifty. So he should be here soon, hopefully. I walk down my hallway, to where there is a mirror at the end of it, and near our front door.

I peer into the large mirror at myself. I fix my dark brown curly locks, so some are behind my shoulders and some are resting upon my shoulders. I am wearing a white lace tank top, which has a braided neckline. The lace is crochet into patterns that look like raindrops. I paired the shirt with a pair of leggings and a navy cardigan.

As I am finishing fixing my hair, I hear a knock on the front door. My heart speeds up quickly, Liam's here? I take one last glance at myself and then march towards the door.

I pull open the white door, to see the beautiful dark haired boy standing there. His light blue eyes pore into mine, and he gives me a small smile.

"Hi Clara," he says, smiling at me.

I give him a smile in return, before I turn on my heels to grab my black tote purse from the ground. I toss the purse over my shoulder and slip my feet into my favourite pair of beige flats. I then walk back over to the door and where Liam is.

"Hey," I reply, grinning at him.

He holds the door open for me, and gestures for me to exit. I approve of his chivalrous actions, but they are really not necessary. Instead of holding a door for me, make me cookies. The way to my heart is food, not really chivalry.

We walk down the driveway together, and towards his shiny black Toyota. It's totally his mom's car, but she lets Liam use it. When Keelian, Allie, and I saw it for the first time we had giggled at him, and made fun of his 'mom' car, but then he explained to us his scenario.

Liam pulls open the door to the passenger seat for me. I quickly thank him, before sliding into the beige leather seat that is warm from the sun. Liam slams the door closed for me, and walks around the front of the car.

I take this time, to check out his totally hot outfit. He is wearing a black hoodie and tan trousers. Liam looks incredibly good in everything, but in hoodies he always looks fantastic. I approve of his date attire for sure.

Liam reaches the driver's side, and pulls open the door. He hops into the car, and pulls his lanyard from his pocket. The sound of his key jingles from the end of the lanyard, as he pulls his key car from his pocket too. He puts the key into the slot, and turns it in the ignition.

Liam pulls out of my driveway and onto the road. He flickers his gaze onto me for a moment and smiles. I look at him, and give him a quizzical look, but he doesn't see.

"Why are you smiling at me, Type?" I ask in a singsong voice.

Liam chuckles, as he turns his turning signal on to turn onto the highway, "I am smiling at you, because I never thought, I would ever get this opportunity to be with you." He says huskily.

I feel my cheeks flush, "I never thought I would ever be one of Liam Type's girls in all honest," I say quietly, a bit nervous for his response.

What is wrong with me? Clara Stone doesn't ever act shy or nervous... She acts like a tyrant, and has no exceptions for her dictatorship. It seems like Clara Stone is finding a soft side and acting a lot more like Clara than Clara Stone.

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