Chapter Twenty-Four: Defense Down

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++Chapter Twenty Four: Defense Down++

"Vulnerability is the only bridge to build connection" -Unknown



What have I done? What has my true self done? I hated girls like Clara. They were the type that bullied you even more than the rest of the guys at school. They would bully you, and say things that were so hurtful you wanted to tear your own brain apart. Boys mostly said ridiculous things like 'so gay', and then they would slap you, but girls did it a different method.

Their words are like venom, and every single syllable is like a slap to the face. It's amazing how they can take words and use them against you like a weapon. Clara is one of those girls, she is manipulative and could easily use those words against me. People like Clara are the ones that pushed me over the edge.

They forced me to build a hard coating over myself, an impenetrable force. Look where that got me though, Clara just plowed her way into my coating and to my heart. I know she isn't one of those girls, but that doesn't change a thing.

Having feelings for her is so wrong, but feels so right. I was hoping by taking her out to ice cream that I could re-convince myself that she's still that horrible girl I once thought she was. Instead I just realized how pure and perfect she is, behind her coating.

Clara's inner self is more beautiful than I could imagine. She smiles, she's outgoing, she goes out of her way to make people happy, and she plays music. She is just such a beautiful person that it is overwhelming.

I pull into the driveway, and notice Liam's car is already there. He should be home on a Friday night, I didn't expect him anywhere else, but I still had my doubts. I have a lot to explain to him, and a lot to make up for.

I am a shit best friend. I have a crush on his ex-girlfriend, I even kissed her when they were dating. Heck, if my best friend did that he would be out of my life forever. I am almost certain that if Liam knew what happened between me and Clara, I would be out of his life forever.

That doesn't matter though. What matters is that I need to fess up for my mistakes. Telling a half truth, is basically telling a lie. I would rather tell Liam the truth, than have him find out for himself. I would rather have him get mad at me, than have to lie to him every day.

I grab the DVD's off of the passenger seat, and open the door wide open. I slide out of the car and slam the door shut. I really hope he's home, otherwise this might be a little weird.

I march up to his doorstep, and knock on the door. I hear some loud music blasting from inside and frown. Why the heck is he playing music? Liam doesn't like music that much.

I knock on the door again, but groan when I realize I am probably going to have to enter his house. I have done it before, in fact I have opened the door to Liam and Clara's house without knocking, a lot. It's a nice element of surprise, but neither of them were too big of a fan of that.

I pull open the door, and to my surprise it is unlocked. The loud techno music continues to play loudly, as I enter the house. I glance around the kitchen, looking for Liam but don't spot him.

"Liam?" I call, but being interrupted by the loud music.

I slowly slide off my shoes, and go wandering into the kitchen. The loud electronic music seems to be coming from his room, which isn't that big of a surprise. Liam mostly spends his time there anyway.

"Liam?" I call again, clutching onto the DVD's as I walk down the hallway towards his room.

The music gets louder and louder, as I stroll down the narrow hall. Does Liam have a girl in there or something? He never plays music at all. In all the years I have been his friend, I have never once heard him play music.

His door is only partly closed, so I push it open slightly, "Hey, Liam. I got some DVD's and I was wondering if you wanted to... oh," I say, as the door opens and I spot a skinny brunette girl straddling the dark haired boy.

They are so intensely making out, they don't even notice me. Normally I would just walk away, but Liam just got out of a relationship with Clara! I also really need to talk to him, urgently.

I walk over to his stereo, that is on his dresser by his door. I jam my finger onto the stop button, and turn off the horrible techno music. I turn back to face the skinny girl who is eating Liam's face off basically.

"Liam! I said, I brought over some DVD's, would you like to watch a movie? I need to talk to you about something," I say, my voice masked with a bitter tone.

Liam and the brunette girl pull away from each other, and the brunette girl tilts her head to my direction. I drop the DVD's down onto the hardwood flooring as I stare into her light blue eyes. Clara.

I feel my blood start to boil, and the rage builds up inside me. She...She said that she didn't even care about him anymore. Alright, she didn't say that, but I could tell she didn't care about him anymore. I stare at the brunette girl, who's swollen lips are formed into a wide 'o'.

She brushes her wavy hair back, behind her shoulders and peers at me. She peers at me with those electric blue eyes of hers, that make me feel like silly putty. I feel like clay under her grasp, and I guess I am right. She can easily manipulate me to think whatever she wants me to think anyways.

I flicker my gaze to Liam, who is laying under her, with his forehead wrinkled together. He gives me a questionable look, and I can tell that he is trying to figure out what is wrong. His dark brown locks are standing up everywhere.

His hair is so messy because her hands ran through those locks of dark brown hair. Her lips are swollen because she kissed his plump red lips. Her white tank top is slightly off to one side because his hands were on her body. They lied to you, they lied to you.

The words keep repeating in my head, and before I can think about what I am doing, the rage takes control. I lunge closer to the bed, and punch Liam in the face. I hear him wince in pain, as I make contact with his arm. I quickly wake up from whatever state I was in and stand up away from the two of them.

"How could you do this to me?" I ask silently, staring into Clara's eyes.

Her eyes are full of shock, and she shakes her head slowly, "Asher...."

The only issue is that I have no time for her words. I quickly turn on my heels and march out of the room, leaving my copy of '21 Jump Street' and 'White Chicks' on the ground. See, this is what you get for leaving your defenses down. Why did I let myself be so vulnerable?




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