Chapter Twenty-Nine: Clean Love

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++Chapter Twenty-Nine: Clean Love++

"When two people care about each other, they always find a way to make it work. No matter how hard it is"-Unknown


I walk into second block on Thursday morning with a bright smile on my face. It's biology, so I will get to see Asher. Since the breakup, Liam has relocated his spot next to one of his football friends. He's avoiding me, and I understand why.

I spot Asher at our usual table in the back, and I quickly stride towards him. I slide into the seat next to him, and give him a quick peck on his lips. Asher smiles at me brightly, and pushes his binder and textbook to the side of the table.

"Hey there, gorgeous, "he says, wrapping his arms around my waist and giving me an awkward hug while we both sit down.

I grin at him, "Hi Asher," I say, releasing him from the embrace.

I look up at the front of the class, to see many students turned around to look at us. I roll my eyes at them, it's insane that people still haven't accepted we are dating. On Monday after our picnic date, we showed up at school holding hands and people were shocked.

One girl even asked me why I ditched Liam. I only laughed and replied with some harsh words about Liam, and how it's none of her business. We have been keeping it on the down low in front of Keelian, Allie, Jade, Jake, and Nate, pretty sure they all know what's going on. We haven't kissed or anything in front of them though.

Liam walks into the class, and my eyes meet his light blue ones. His eyes trail over Asher's proximity to me, and his eyes flash a look of hurt. Doesn't he know it should be me, who is hurting?

Liam sits down at a table in the front, next to some burly football player. I look away from him, and at Asher, who is looking down at his notes. I roll my eyes at him, is he getting into science too? I thought math was his specialty.

I hear the sound of high heels clicking against the floor, and I turn my head to face the door, to see Mrs. TIlson strutting in. She is wearing some old blouse and jeans that are way too tight for her. Her dark brown hair, is up in a high bun.

The bell rings loudly, as Mrs. Tilson sits down at her desk.

"Morning class," she says, a scowl imprinted on her face.

"Morning," a couple of my classmates reply to her.

She looks down at some papers on her desk, and her focus seems glued to those papers. I turn my body to face Asher, and I lean forward, so my lips are right next to his ear.

Asher looks up from his work, and glances at me from the corner of his eye, "What?" he whispers quietly.

"I hate this class, the only good thing about it is you," I say quietly into his ear.

I pull away from Asher, and face the front of the classroom. I don't want Ms. Tilson to freak out at us, like she has done many times. Around every class she yells at us to shut up. When she does that, the whole class turns around to look at us and I hate that.

"Clara, we have Photography, Spare, and this class together. Believe me when I say this, but the best thing about all those classes is you," he says quietly.

I smile at him, and I feel my face flush a bit, "Wow, Asher Johnson, you are quite the charmer," I say.

He runs a hand through his light brown hair and smirks at me, "Only for you," he says, winking at me.

I chuckle at him and roll my eyes. How on earth did I get so lucky? How the heck did I ever manage to score such an amazing boy? Normal girls can only dream about some person like him, for me, I had to search harder but that was it.

"I love you," I say quietly, looking him dead in the eye.

His electric blue eyes flare up with intensity and he grins at me, "You do?" he asks, sounding surprised.

I nod my head slowly, "I do," I reply.

Asher laughs nervously, "I love you more," he replies, grabbing my hand off my lap and taking it in his.

I shake my head, "Not possible," I state.

Asher stares into my eyes and I stare into his. Who would have believed I would confess my love to this boy, in the same classroom we declared our hatred for each other in.

"Oh, I am pretty sure it is possible," he replies, his voice husky.

Suddenly the classroom turns silent and all the previous chatter has worn off. I turn to the front, to see Mrs. Tilson scowling at me and Asher.

"Ms. Stone, Mr. Johnson! This is going to be the tenth time I have told the two of you to shut up while I teach! This class, you guys shall clean the chemical room!" she exclaims harshly.

I look at Asher who is looking at her with confusion on his face. Her words sink in, and I try not to smirk. I nod my head, and pretend to pout. Asher let's go of my hand and we both stand up and walk towards the small room.

I twist the door knob open, and walk in, holding it open for Asher. I close the door, and look at him with a smile on my face. I walk close to him, and wrap my arms around his neck. Asher wraps his muscular arms around my waist.

"You know, she left us in a room, by ourselves," Asher says, his eyes twinkling in amusment.

I nod my head and smirk, "We are defiantly not cleaning this room, are we?" I ask, raising a brow at the boy.

He smiles and shakes his head, "I figured we could do this instead,"

He smashes his lips against mine, and trails his hands up from my waist and to the side of my face. I instantly wrap my arms around his neck, and pull him closer to me. He pulls away quickly, and looks at me with lust clear in his eyes.

"First, before we continue to kiss, tomorrow we should do it," he says, his voice husky.

I wrinkle my forehead together, trying to figure out what he means with his words, "Oh god no! Asher, I love you, but I am not going to have sex with you. We have only dated for around a week!" I exclaim, my eyes wide at him.

Asher chuckles and rolls his eyes at me, "I wasn't talking about sex, Clara. I was talking about us revealing who we are, we should do it tomorrow. After all, tomorrow night is homecoming, it will be perfect. You can tell everyone about your music, and I will tell everyone about me not actually doing drugs," he says quietly, his warm breath fanning my lips.

Oh right! I almost forgot about homecoming! The school newspaper people were trying to make bets on who I would take. I bet nobody bet I would be taking Asher Johnson, the stoner.

I nod my head slowly, "Deal, if you continue to kiss me,"

Asher's lips curl up into a smirk, "See? You want it,"

I press my lips against his, and he brings his hands to my face. I tangle my hands into his light brown hair and mess it up with my fingers.

Asher, backs us up to the wall, and presses me against it. His kisses become more passionate, and his lips move on my lips continuously. He licks my lip, almost begging for entrance and I part my lips slowly to let him in.

This is bliss, this is intense, this is love. You know what? I don't think I am even nervous anymore, I am ready.


Hope you enjoyed! Have a great day everyone! Not that many chapters left wow. 


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