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Bismillahi rahman nirahim


Crying at the midst of your laughter

Nobody could ever trace those secret tears you shed

People around you call you the successful

But your soul is empty, full of questions.

Like why were you sent here to live in this world?

Is there a purpose to this life at all?

And can man ever find peace in following a religion

How about those who caused their own destruction?

You've seen Islam on how the media portrays it

But you've never really quite understood it still

Who is this Mohammad (peace and blessings be upon him) every Muslim loves so much?

And is Allah really the personal real name of God?

Isn't it about time my dear friend that you learn the Truth?

About the same message which all the Prophets have taught

From Adam to Abraham, Noah, Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them all)

All sent by Allah to teach us to worship only one god, with no partners nor association at all.

Allah is unlike HIS creation

HE does not begets nor is HE begotten

Far Exalted is HE to those they ascribed to HIM

HE is our Rabb, our Master, the Lord of the Alameen (all that exist).

Wouldn't you want to worship God without the need of intercession?

Like an image portrayed through stones from man's imagination?

Wouldn't you want to go down on your knees and prostrate to the one who created you?

Wouldn't you want your heart to finally surrender to its Maker?

The Qur'an, the book with zero contradiction

With historical proofs and scientific authentications

All written 1400 years ago, revealed to Muhammad (s.a.w)

The illiterate, who recited what Angel Jibril (Gabriel) spoke.

Logic and reason, even common sense will tell you

That Prophet Jesus (a.s) was merely just a creation

Fatherless he may be, he is still a human being

Who prayed to Allah, ate and drank just like Prophet Adam (a.s).

Truly it is not the eyes that are blind

It is the hearts that go blind

That's what Allah says in the Holy Qur'an

So oh you lost soul, why won't you open your heart and mind?

If you embrace Islam, all of your past sins will be forgiven

And it means coming back home to your true religion

Because you were born in this world as a Muslim

Which is why you constantly feel like there's something missing.

Oh you lost soul, stop the searching for nothing

There is a reason why all of these is happening

One day, you and I will be brought back to our Lord, on the Day of Resurrection

To account for our deeds, from our series of examinations.

Quit pretending that you are not lost at all

Let arrogance and pride diminish once and for all

Don't be that person who lives life meaninglessly

Who follows worldly desires blindly.

Oh you lost soul, it's time to come home

Oh you lost soul, be strong from now on

Face reality and accept Allah in your heart

Only then can you begin living a fruitful life.

*Ameen ya Rabb. May Allah (s.w.t) guide us all. Ameen.


Jazakallahu khairan for reading! This part is dedicated to clever_Pami. Thank you very much for your support!

I truly am happy that this collection has already reached 1,200 reads. All praise be to Allah, the Most Beneficient, Most Compassionate.

Assalamu alaykum everyone! Till next time, in shaa Allah! ^____^

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