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The month of Ramadan has come
Where believers fast and read the Holy Qur'an
To not eat nor drink from sunrise to sunset
To do good deeds and try to be patient.

Why do we refuse to go hungry just like them?
Is it because we cannot withstand the pain?
The pain of an empty stomach that screams
The thirst of the throat that was made to speak.

Haven't we realize that fasting is a sacrifice?
A sacrifice that would secure us our Paradise
Indeed the hunger that kills the heart and soul
Is the absence of its submission to the Lord of All Worlds.

We may go on with our lives as we pleased
Not knowing of that one great opportunity we've missed
The chance to seek and asked for HIS forgiveness
The chance to get rid off a life that's meaningless.

Don't ever think that fasting is only for the religious
Because it is ordained and a must for all healthy people
We were created to worship our Creator
And obeying HIM is the fulfillment of our purpose.

So let us go hungry in this month of Ramadan
And nourish our soul with the strongest eeman
Together let us do away from the hunger that kills
Let's be serious in our Islam and follow Allah's Will.

*May Allah guide the Muslim Ummah. Ameen.

- Original Poem written by Rasheena Alfaro

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