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When the heart loves the Dunya

It feels null and void

When the heart longs for someone

It has forgotten the unbegotten One.

We say we are hurt by people's actions

But truly, it's because of our misguided intentions.

Do not say you love him/her the most

Because that shouldn't be your purpose.

When the heart aches and it aches much

Think of Allah's Mighty Throne above

HIS is the dominion of heavens and earth

And HE Alone can cure a sick heart.

When we love, love only after marriage

And never have a long engagement

For Shaytan can corrupt our hearts and minds

Let's pray to be guided all the time.

It is on doing the haram and being in a relationship

That cause the sinking of our Eeman Ship

If and only if we give our hearts to the Maker of Hearts

Can they be fulfilled with serenity inside.

Hence, the next time our heart aches

Ask ourselves, why were we created?

If we do not focus on our worship to Allah

Having a heartache could never be prevented.

So smile my dearest brothers and sisters in Islam

Make du'a and read the Holy Qur'an

Coz the happiness of our hearts can be sought in salah

Where true love develops in constant Taqwa.

*Original Islamic Poems FB Page on the external link.*

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Jazakallahu khairan! Assalamu alaikum!

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