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You say you can't live without him
Is he the giver of your air?
You say you don't care what people think
How about what Allah forbids?

You say it just feels so right
So why the need to fight?
You say he's the one you've waited for
Why then the guilt towards your Creator?

Your parents tell you otherwise
Still you are heedless to their advice
You consider them a barrier to your happiness
Forgetting that it was they who used to remove your sadness.

You reason out that you just can't leave
All because of a line you'd love to repeat
"But I love him, but I love him" is what you keep on saying
How can it be love if it's a sin you're committing?

Know that barakah will not come
Unless you are in obedience to the Sublime One
What started as wrong might end up wrong
So if you love yourself, just let go and move on.

"But you love him," could be Shaytan's line to you
He's a thief of your logic, dictating you what to do
Turn to Allah before you drown into the forbidden
Only HE can change your heart, the Most Forgiving.

If you only knew how Allah's Love for you is greater
Disentangling from the haram would be so much easier
If you only knew the peace obedience to Allah could bring
You'll feel relieve, joyful and will have so much blessings.

Allahu akbar!

- Original Poem Written by Rasheena Alfaro

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