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If it weren't for the times that you were empty
You would not have known The Nourisher
If it weren't for the difficult times of your life
You would have never sought refuge to the Giver of Life.

If it weren't for the times that people have let you down
You would not have come near to the One who rises and sets the Sun
If it weren't for the lies and betrayals of people
Never would you realize how Allah is the only One Who's Perfect.

If it weren't for the death of your loved ones
You won't be able to contemplate the importance of time
And that Allah is Time and you too should prepare
As you pray for them, you too should pray for yourself.

If it weren't for bitter criticisms and injustices
You might have forgotten that there's another world
The Hereafter where justice will be served
That includes those who share false tales and gossips.

If it weren't for your financial loss
You would not care knowing your Creator
The One Who blesses his creation
Whether or not they are grateful.

If it weren't for your river of tears
You would not have felt Allah's near
If it weren't for the fear of facing burdens
You would not seek Allah for guidance.

Hence, be thankful for every calamity
Be grateful for every hardship
Because they brought you closer to Allah
They made you serious in your Salah
They made you feel how fragile you are
They made you feel that you are vulnerable
They made you bow down in humility
They made you prostrate in sincerity.

If it weren't for the calamities we were given
How utterly lost we all have been
Alhamdulillah for the tests we are going through
It makes us pray to Allah as the Greatest, in all that we do.

- Original Poem written by Rasheena Alfaro

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