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You've been wanting it relentlessly
And have been praying for it restlessly
You knew that once it gets granted
Your heart and soul can get contented.

But Allah made you more patient
As the answer got delayed in its moment
And when the answer came down to you
You were caught off guard, not knowing what to do.

You didn't get what you asked Allah for
And you have been keeping score
Of how many tahadjud prayers you did
Only to be shattered and disappointed.

Have you forgotten that you're just His Slave?
And complaining what HE gives is not in your place
Allah says that we may like a thing which isn't good for us
So we should be grateful to the One True God.

When you don't get what you want
All praises be to Allah still
When you don't get what you want
Never question HIS will.

For Islam means submission
To surrender in predestination
Do not compete by the will of our Maker
Rather believe that what you had missed won't do you any better.

You're a Muslim and a believer
So whatever are your prayers
They are always answered
With a Yes that will be for the best
Or a No that will also be for the best.

So when you don't get what you want
Increase more your love for Allah
Because whether or not you get what you want
Know that what you should wish for is to be in Jannah.

- Original Poem written by Rasheena Alfaro

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