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The man who fears disobeying Allah is a man with real courage.

The man who will only say he loves a woman after having the simple least expensive nikah done.

The man who keeps distance and refuses to commit just because it's forbidden.

The man who chooses a girl for her deen more than her wealth and status and means of living.

The man who loves his Mother and dutifully serves her whenever.

The man who wants to be a husband of a pious woman.

The man who'll love only but one, with contentment in his heart.

The man who'll work hard in a marriage to earn Allah's pleasure and love.

The man who's patient, loving, gentle and kind.

Never arrogant, never untrue.

The man who'll share a hadith or a Qur'anic verse while having dinner with you.

The man whose good deeds shall build a palace in Jannah for him and you.

The man who is a good husband is the Muslim man.

*To read more of my works, please like my humble Islamic FB Page. Just click the external link.

Jazakallahu khairan! Assalamu alaikum!

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