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Don't cry for a loss of wealth

For you won't need it in your grave

Don't cry for a loss of status

What Allah thinks of you matters most.

Don't cry for a loss of a job

It's a means not to give up

Don't cry for a loss of a loved one

Rather maximize your time to know the Sublime.

Don't cry over a betrayal

It may be one of God's trials

Don't cry over a mistreatment

There's a price in being patient.

Don't cry over outright lies

The world's too big, and wide are the skies

Don't cry over an abrupt goodbye

Trust in Allah's plan for HE Alone knows why.

Don't cry over bitter criticisms by people

Good attitude can make it manageable

Don't cry over how little you think of yourself

Life's happiness found in contentment.

Cry when you miss a single prayer

It'll be the first question you'll have to answer

Because on the very Day of Judgment

We'll fear Allah's Punishment.

Cry when all you do is backbite

For that sin is never so light

Would you want to eat your own flesh again and again?

And reside as a fuel for fire in Jahannam?

Cry when you've never feed the hungry

Or refuse to help out you own family

There are many blessings found in charity

The best of which is to please the Almighty.

Cry when you'd rather be in a haram love affair

Than spending time obeying your creator

Cry when you've sacrificed too much just to be loved by the creation

Neglecting your Islamic duty puts you in dangerous situation.

Cry when you've been a disobedient child

Unkind and disrespectful to your mother and mother

For loving your parents and serving them well

Is a deed that manifests your true love and care.

Cry when you associate a partner

To the Lord of the Worlds, The Compeller

Because we're created for just one goal

To pray to Allah, the Mighty, the All - Knower.

Cry when you cry for the insignificant

Cry when until now you haven't had asked for forgiveness

But do not cry when you know the clock is still ticking

Instead turn your life around, there's still hope, as long as you're living.

*Feel free to like my FB Islamic Page on the external link.*

Jazakallahu khairan! Assalamu alaikum! ^___^

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