Welcome home? Oh no

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sorry everyone i havnt had time to upload....

thanks for all the ideas, it has really helped me write faster

so the more ideas yall put the faster ill work

also the more comments and votes also help!



Blaze's POV

Mia had slept soundly against my body and for the first time since she left me I actually got some sleep to. I'm sure I still had the deep dark circles under my eyes but in a few days I was hoping they'd be gone, as long as she sleeps by my side.

"It seems a lot bigger than I remember, is that even possible?" The limo was slowly making its way down the long driveway to our house and Mia was jumping with excitement. Now you might wonder how on earth I know, well for the two simple facts of she's bouncing up and down, literally and, her death grip on my hand is seriously killing me. The girl who I learned to be Grace was still with an unreadable expression. I still have to thank her for getting Mia home, I'm sure I couldn't have done it without her help.

Like the southern gentleman I am I got out of the car and held the door open for Mia. Just as she stood fully up the front door swung open and out walked Kevin followed closely by Annie. The small bump on her belly and doubled in size since I had last seen her and she looked well. The paleness that had taken her had been replaced by her natural olive skin.

"Mia!" Two seconds later and both girls were screaming.

"Annie!" Mia was the first to move and ran towards Annie. Although by the way Kevin was holding Annie back she also wanted to run full speeds at her old best friend.

"Careful Ann." As if she had just realized Kevin was there her hands wrapped around her belly. In the same moment Mia's eyes found the gesture and the gear in her head started clicking together.

"Mia, I'm...we're pregnant. I'm so happy Mia. I love him and he loves me and he's been so great to me ever since you left and with the sickness and everything he was right by my side the entire time and he's just the best boyfriend ever and I just...hope you're happy for me." Softly Mia wrapped her arms around the now sobbing and smiling Annie.

"I am happy for you as long as you're happy and this is what you want."

"It is."

"Then I am happy. Wait what sickness?" This was the part I honestly didn't want Mia to know about. Even though it might have something to do with Mia and her leaving, I didn't want her to blame herself. I knew how she was and she'd be way harsh on herself. I just got her back and I wanted to keep it that way. Slowly I wrapped my arms around her and began backing her away from Annie.

"I just..."

Kevin thankfully managed to change the subject in time and surprisingly Mia let it go.

"Kevin and I want to be a family. He's the only one for me and I'm the only one for him. I know you left and all and I see you have new friends but...what I'm trying to ask is...will you be my maid of honor." Slowly she held up her hand and there sat the diamond ring Kevin and I had spent days if not weeks, picking out.

"Oh my gosh, yes! Of course I will Annie. You're always going to be like my sister!"

"Good cause you're also going to be this little guy's aunt and I need someone to help with the baby clothes and wall colors. No offense Kevin and Blaze but I was getting tired of ya'll complaining about shopping and saying both colors look good!"

"Ok well enough with your surprise now it's my turn. I'm taking Mia upstairs and we'll be down for dinner. Annie and Kevin this is Grace she's going to be staying with us. Annie do you mind showing her to her room?" I didn't have to wait for a replying because as I began pulling Mia away Annie's squealing in the background was a clear yes.

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