Chapter 25: Betrayal.

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*Noelle's POV*

I woke up again, not feeling well. I mean not like sad and depressed, I mean like my stomach hurts.

"Dad." I called out.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I don't feel well." I replied.

"Okay. You can miss school, but make sure you get your homework done." He said.


"Okay." I replied, getting my phone.

I opened it and texted Jayden.

To: Babe 😍❤️

Hey, I'm not feeling well. I'm not going to school, no need to pick me up.

I yawned. My phone beeped.

From: Babe 😍❤️

Okay, want me to come over and take care of you?

I smiled, knowing he cares.

To: Babe 😍❤️

Nah, I'm fine. Got a project to do, bye. See you tmrw!

I threw my phone on the desk and laid down. I sighed and picked up my phone. I decided to go on Instagram. A/N: FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @cahhmmy



I was working on my project, deciding I'm going to make a skateboard. I already went to the store to get the board part. I just spray painted it black.

I stopped working on it and checked my phone. I got a message.

From: Hannah your Banana


*insert fake picture of Jayden and Makayla kissing*.

My heart cracked into pieces.

To: Hannah your Banana

What the fuck??...

A small tear escaped from my eye. Then anger took over me. I called Jayden, after a few rings he answered.

"Hey Noelle." He said casually.

"Don't "hey Noelle" me. I saw that fucking picture of you and Makayla, kissing. Explain that." I replied, annoyed.

"Oh. About that, I was going to tell you. I think we should break up. I mean I still love Makayla. I like you too, but I miss Makayla a lot. Like A LOT. We can be best friends." He replied with happiness.

"Oh. Okay. Sure, best friend." I said, tears escaping from my eyes.

"See you tomorrow!" He replied, joy in his voice.

He hung up and I threw my phone to the wall. Tears fell, quicker each second. My heart broke. Into pieces. My desire to live got lower.

I'm not his type.
I'm not worth it.
I'm not what he wanted.
I'm not worthy of him.
I don't matter.
I'm fat.
I'm ugly.
I'm stupid.
I'm worthless.
I'm depressed.
I'm dumb.
I'm crap.
I'm shit.
I'm horrible.
I'm terrible.
I'm a wreck.
And most of all..
I'm broken.

I can't be fixed.
Jayden was the only person who could fix me.
But now he's gone.

I ran upstairs into the bathroom. I pulled up my sleeve. I opened the cabinet under the sink and saw the shiny blade. I cried and cried as I picked it up.

Heartbroken twice.

I made lines of cuts on my forearm, around the other cuts that spelled 'broken'. I kept on cutting, until I felt satisfied of my cuts. About 40 cuts later, I stopped. I looked at my arm and saw blood. I got a small towel and quickly wiped off the blood.

I washed my arm, my jaw clenching because it stung. I was still in tears. I pulled down my flannel sleeve and ran back downstairs. I quickly put on my shoes, and grabbed my skateboard.

I walked outside and placed down my skateboard. I positioned my feet and skated. I made my way towards the graveyard.

I haven't visited Brent in a while.

I sighed. I kept skating until I reached the graveyard. I stopped skating and picked up my skateboard. I walked towards his grave as tears fell out again.


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