Chapter 7: Brianna.

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Recap: He leaned in and so did I.

Before our lips could touch, the door slammed open. Jayden and I backed up from each other and looked at the person standing at the door. It was Janice.

"I can't sleep Jayden." Janice said, whining.

"I'll tuck you in, okay?" Jayden said, sounding irritated that she had barged in when we were about to.. kiss.

"Okay. I'll be waiting." Janice said, happily.

Janice left the room a few seconds later, skipping. Jayden turned back to me and smiled. I smiled back and looked at my phone. It was 9:47. I yawned and sat on the bed. Jayden walked out of the room to go tuck in Janice.

I soon got in the bed. On the right side. Putting pillows in the middle to give us both personal space. Once I finished doing that, I check my phone for a second. Then I put it away, put my face on the pillow and fell asleep.


*Jaydens POV*

I headed out of my room to tuck in Janice. Once I reached her purple door, I opened the door. I saw her, reading a book.

"Hey Janice, what book is that?" I asked her.

"Hi Jayden, it's called The Magic Tree House." She replied, still staring at the book.

I smiled.

"I used to read that when I was younger.." I said, smiling.

"Are you going to tuck me in or what Jayden?" She replied, putting the book on her desk.

I nodded and walked towards her. I tucked her in, kissed her forehead.

"I love you Janice, goodnight." I said, walking away.

"I love you too. I can see how you look at Noelle.. you like her Jayden." She replied, slowly closing her eyes.

I slightly smiled and headed back to my room.

Do I like Noelle?

I opened my door. I saw Noelle sleeping.. she's beautiful. I wish she can see that. I closed my door and went on the bed. I lightly chuckled at the pillows in the middle.

I got into the bed, slipped my hands under the pillows and touched Noelle's waist.

I think I'm falling for Noelle Ausman.


*Noelle's POV*

I woke up from the alarm on my phone. There was hands on my waist. I slowly turned around and picked up the pillows in the middle. I saw Jayden, slightly snoring. I laughed a bit and decided to wake him up.

I grabbed his hands from my waist and put them down. I got off the bed and went on his side. I grabbed the blanket that was on him and pulled it off.

There he was, in his batman pj's. I lightly laughed again. I got a better view of him. He looked hot, even though he was asleep.

His lips curled into a smile.

"Stop checking me out babygirl." He said, opening his eyes.

"Not my fault you look funny in your batman pj's" I replied, laughing.

"You love it babygirl." He said, getting up.

"I'm going to go change." I replied, walking away.

I grabbed my clothes and walked out of the room. I walked to the bathroom and changed. I was wearing the same thing I wore yesterday. It was pants, a red flannel and a white shirt.

I put those on, still wearing the boxers. I laughed again. I combed my hair, starting to put it into a ponytail.

After finishing that, I brushed my teeth and walked out of the bathroom. I went back to his room and saw him getting ready. He was wearing black pants, a white shirt, and converse. I smiled.

"You ready?" He said, smiling.

"Yeah." I replied, getting my phone and skateboard.

We both started walking downstairs. He grabbed an apple from the counter and so did I. We walked out of the house and ate our apples real quick.

We put down our skateboards and positioned our feet. We started skating towards the school. I looked at my surroundings once more and smiled. The sun was out, sky was blue.

Once we were close to the school, we stopped skating. We got off our skateboards and walked towards the double doors. About 4 cheerleaders walked towards us. Not me actually, I mean Jayden.

One of them, the blonde one I saw with him 2 days ago, she started touching his chest and his arms.

"Hi Brittney." Jayden said, annoyed.

"I'm not Brittney, I'm Brianna." She said, flirtatiously.

"Well whatever your name is, go away. I'm trying to have fun with my best friend." Jayden replied, still annoyed.

"Fine." She scoffed.

Her and her clones started walking away. They all looked back at me and glared. I laughed.

"Sorry about them, their annoying as fuck." Jayden chuckled.

I nodded as we headed towards our first class.


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