Story number 16 T.B.B.G

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16) The Bad Boy's Girl by Jessgirl93

Plot/Summary: Hi,my name is Tessa O'Connell and I know a boy who:

-Frustrates me to no end -Argues with me all the time -Likes going through my underwear drawer -Steals my (supposedly cleverly hidden) stash of Kit Kats -Calls me shortcake even though I'm 5'7 -Makes me cry like a baby -Has an unhealthy obsession with my personal life BUT he also happens to be my guardian angel and somehow I've started to (almost) like him...SHOCKER?

Why should you read it: alright -reason # 1) Bad boy+ Good Girl

2) It's just so sweet like how can you resist it? It's Tessa the main girl, who thinks she likes another person but when she ends up wearing her glasses she finds out that she likes the step brother. (I was joking about the glasses lol) anyways, try it out honestly I don't want to give it the story, just check it, because we all know bad boy novels are amazing although a bit cliche but this one continues to suprise me over and over again.

You'll love the badboy - honestly, you'll fall in love with him.

Rate: 9.5/10 :) Try it - why are you still here, go go RUN! or else the bad boy is gonna come after you ;)

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