Movie Theater

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Sorry for the slow update I have been having writers block so.... Thank you guys for all of the reads and likes and please comment about what you think and stuff. Also this goes out to ShiningHopes because they have been voting on this book like crazy, well when I started writing this chapter.

Naruto's point of view
      I am sitting in the theater clinging tightly to Sasuke's arm as the one girls blood from her neck drains down to her cleavage. If I would have known it was a horror movie I would have chosen something like Care Bears or White Chicks. "You okay?" Asks my boyfriend in a sweet voice.

      "No." I whisper yell at him in the harshest tone I can manage without actually screaming. Sasuke then pulls me in to an open mouth kiss before I can take deep breath. His tongue roams around my mouth until I push him lightly off and take a deep inhale before crashing our lips together again.

      "Ahhhh!" Yells a girl from the movie and luckily I am too distracted with teme's face to see the scary scene. I let out a moan of pleasure when Sasuke grabs my hair to pull our mouths closer. We continue to kiss and suck each other's faces until we take our next breath. As our kiss breaks Sasuke is lightly panting and I am breathing deeply. Before I know what is happening Sasuke and go to the floor and stay there for a few moments.

      "I love you, Naruto." The Raven boy hovering over me says before lowing down and gently placing a kiss on my lips. I close my eyes like I always do as our tongues meet. He pulls away and starts to speak, "You never answered me. Do you want to move in together?" I was taken by surprise forgetting all about him asking me while he was still in the hospital.

     "Um....I guess if Itachi says you can?" I ask more then answer. His face lights up with joy.

Itachi's point of view
I watch Naruto and Sasuke fall to the ground kissing each other like horny bunnies. And listen in to them carefully while they speak in between their 'passion.' When I overhear them speaking of moving in with each other. 'Yes!!!! I'll finally get to move to a cheaper place!!'I scream mentally before deciding to give the boys some space.

I quietly tiptoe out of the aisle trying to avoid popcorn and spilled pop that had become sticky goop. Once I left the movie I wandered down and past the ticket stand. Next I wander outside to where my car is parked and unlock it's doors.

"I'm glad you guys will have your happy ending." I quietly whisper to  my picture of my dead boyfriend that I once loved. We were beside each other in a park. It was two days before we planned to tell everybody about us when he was murdered by his ex who was full of hatred after their breakup.

      "I love you Sasari..." I say before placing the frame back under my car seat. After that I pulled out of the parking lot and drove back home.

Sasuke's point of view
After Naruto's answer, even if it was a little bit more like a wager on if he will live with me, we sat up. After we were back in our seats Naruto dozed off on my shoulder. When the movie was over I carefully picked him up bridal style and walked out with the huge group of people who were from the same room.

"Sasuke!" Yelled an annoyingly loud voice that could only belong to one girl, Ino. "Oh, your here with that loser." She groans in disgust pointing down at my adorable, asleep, boyfriend.

"What does it matter to you." I growl back in response as I still watch my dobe sleep.

      "Because I love you.."

       "Well I don't love you." I coldly state as Naruto drools a little into my chest. I smile a little bit as I look down at my darling cuddled up in my arms.

       "Are you even paying attention to what I am saying!" Ino yells at me with her enraged voice.

      "Be quiet or you'll wake him." I say turning towards the little bitch. Man is she annoying. "Just leave me alone."

      "But you are supposed to like girls! You are supposed to be my husband and the not that dick's!" She screams making everyone turn but more importantly, causing Naruto to wake.

       "W-what's going on?" Whispers Naruto lifting his drowsy head from my chest. "Ino?" Naruto asks a little shocked before turning his head to look at me.

"Like I said Ino I don't love you. I love Naruto." I say looking back at the enrage blonde in her purple dress. "And no I am not supposed to like girls or be your husband. God made me and Naruto for each other not anyone else." I say before walking away with my boyfriend still in my arms. "You know you are pretty light for eating ramen for almost every meal." I tease.

     "I need to use the bathroom. Can you put me down?" Naruto asks and I comply.

Kurama's point of view
       I walk out of the bathroom stall and spot a familiar little cousin walk out of the bathroom. "Naruto." I coo following the path of the blonde kid. To my surprise I see him run into the arms of a pale, raven haired boy about the same age as him.

      "Shall we go?" Asks the other boy with a monotone voice as he wraps one arm around my cousin.

"Shut up teme. Let's go." Says Naruto before the other boy's lips come down and kiss his making him blush.

"So I see you have a boyfriend." I call to him before letting out an evil chuckle and the Raven growls pulling Naruto to his chest. "Wow so protective."

     "I'm Sasuke Uchiha. Don't you dare touch Naru." He growls making 'Naru' blush deep red.

      "Don't worry I wouldn't hurt my baby cousin."

     "Kyu!" Naruto practically screams escaping from Sasuke's grip. "So did you miss me?"

     "Hell no." I say sticking up my middle finger up at him. "Shut up you brat."

"So you did. I knew it." Maybe a little but you'll not hear that from me. His giant grin is on and I crack out a small smile of my own.

"I thought by how sweet Naruto is his family would be all Full house." Naruto's boyfriend mumbles stepping over beside my little cousin. So who is this brat with anyway?

"Ramen or pizza?"I ask.

"Tomatoes." The Raven plainly states.

"Orange or red?"

"Black or navy." Again not a choice.

"You are not like Naruto at all."

"You only asked two stupid questions how could say that already?" He Questions clearly angry.

"So then tell me about all your similarities with the simple minded kid?" I ask.

"Hey I am not simple minded!" Naruto yells at me.

"Don't lie." Sasuke states as if reading my mind. "And I have you know that me and Naruto both like..." He takes a short pause and shuts his mouth before letting out a sigh of defeat. "Your right. My room is spotless his there is no place you can see the floor. I want....smechshwankzvirmity." He mumble which is uninterpretable to me and I really don't care to listen to this stuck up brat any longer.

Hey guys I finally updated. I am so sorry I had a huge writers block and I rewrote this chapter many times. And you better be glad I changed it one last time or another big dramatic scene would have occurred. Sorry for taking forever at least now I know where to go with the next few chapters.
Like and comment please.

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