Depressed Naruto

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Hello. Hokage of this Fanfiction here. Thank you all so much for reading this crappie fanfiction! I love you all! ➰♥️
Naruto's point of view
     When I get inside I keep touching my lips where Sasuke forced his. I like Sakura not that dumb ass. Although now that I look at it it was a lot of my fault to. I should have stuck with not going, in fact Sakura might have never been coming. I'm to stressed right now. Tears are still rolling down my face and over my whisker birth marks. All the sudden I here a knock at my door.

     "I know you are in there." Says someone. I open the door to see Sasuke's older brother so I slam the door shut locking it behind me. I throw myself into my bed and instantly doze off to the sound of knocks.

In his dream
     "I'm sorry Naruto. I lost control. I'm sorry." Says Sasuke as his older brother leads me to the car as I sob. When we get home I see Sasuke in his dining room and all the sudden I'm in the chair in front of him as he forces a passionate and unwanted kiss on me. I struggle and finally give up but this time we end up in his bedroom and his brother has not arrived here yet and Sasuke is tearing of my clothes.

     I wake up in my bed sweating and decide to stay awake. To pass the time I check my phone to see 31 messages from the bastard. Tears start falling down my face as the horrible memory is played back in my head. I walk to the kitchen and grab a cup of ramen until I look over to see my phone going off again. I look at it and this time it's from pervy sage. It said 'Naruto. Sasuke's brother called and told me what happened. Are you OK? Do you want to talk?' I simply write back 'no and no' tossing my phone on the couch as I fall to the ground and start to weep again. How the heck did he even get his number!?

     "Why did you do that Sasuke?" I ask out loud as the tears get bigger and bigger. I should've never went over there. I hate him!

Sasuke's point of view
     In texted Naruto about how I'm sorry and how I lost control but he hasn't texted me back yet. I'll try one more time then I'm driving over to his apartment. 'Naruto I'm so so so so so sorry for what I did to you. Please answer me I will understand if you don't want to ever talk to me anymore.' Sent. I grab my keys and tip toe to the front door and dash to my car when I see Itachi in the living room. Before I leave I snatch his keys from the coffee table and slam the door behind me as I hop into my mustang and lock the doors. He keeps trying to open them all and as he does I prepare to drive away. The engine let's out a roar and he steps back. I speed over to his house and park in front. Stepping out of the car I run through the drizzling rain to his front door and suck up all my courage. I knocked on his door and I am surprised when he opens it.

     "Oh it's you." He try's to shut the door on me but I push through and accidentally land on him. When I get a closer look at his cute face I can see that his eyes are still red and puffy from crying.

     "Naruto I love you. I don't care if you don't say it back. I just want you to know that I am truly sorry for what I did to you. I won't bother you anymore after tonight. I have felt this way ever since I first saw you. I just want you to know it was not just that you were around but that it was you. I didn't mean to do it it just happened. I love you and I am so so sorry." I plead before getting of his body and offering a hand to him. He slaps it away, getting up to his feet by himself.

     "Well I don't love you back." He harshly tells me. I really want him to be mine but I know I can't torture him by doing so. After this I leave to drive home when I see that my car is not where I put it. Now that I think about it I left the keys in the ignition.

     "Naruto can I stay here for the night." I here the door lock. I sit down beside it and try to fall asleep until I here it open and see Naruto staring down at me. "My car got stolen." I explain. He still has hate written on his kawai face.

     "Make a move on me and I call the police." He tells me with an extra sting in his words. I get up and nod showing that I know the rules.

      "Naruto I really am sorry." I say to him before he enters his bed room locking the door behind him.

I hope you all enjoyed it. I'll try to update more before I have to leave tomorrow afternoon.
Thanks for reading.

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