At Sasuke's House

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Hey Shen here thanks for reading my book. Anyway here is the new chapter.

Naruto's point of view
"We're here." Sasuke said causing me to look up at his light blue house. He got out of the car and walked over to my door opening it like a gentleman would do for a girlfriend. Why is he always doing weird things like this? I hope Sakura gets here soon so something weird doesn't happen again between me and Sasuke. I should've never agreed to come here, I am starting to get this gloomy and dark feeling.

We walk inside the doorway and I make sure to take off my orange converses. Last time I was in here was only a day ago, but the vibe has changed. "Naruto you want something to eat or drink?" He asked me and I turned to my left to see Sasuke walking over to his fridge.

"Do you have ramen?" I asked trying not to sound to eager, but I did.

"Yah but I don't know ho-"

     "Ramen time." I called out as he shook his head at me.

     "It's not my fault though if you die from year old ramen." He replied smirkingly. I just chuckled and sat down at his dinning room table. Once the hot water was done he poured it in the cup and brought it over to me when my cell phone started ringing.

     "Hello pervy sage." I sang through my phone making fun of my godfather.

     "I told you not to call me that! Anyway where are you?" Jiraiya asked seeming a bit concerned.

     "Oh right I forgot to tell you I'm at my friend Sasuke's right now." I giggled at the end. Why the heck did I do that.

     "Ok just checking up on you, to know that you haven't gotten into the wrong group of anything."

     "Bye." I say back and hanging up my phone. I turn to face my ramen cup and then look at the clock to see I still can't eat it yet. I look down glumly and wait until I hear Sasuke sit down in the chair beside mine.

Sasuke's point of view
     "You can eat now." I tell Naruto who looked like he was about to cry from the wait. He looked up with his closed eye smile and I gave him one back until I opened my eyes to see he wasn't even paying attention to me. What a cute idiot he is sometimes. I was pretty surprised though when he called me a friend on the phone. I thought after the locker room incident he would have started to hate me but I guess I was wrong. Or he just said that over the phone since I was close.

     "Ah that was some good ramen." He sighed and started to rub his belly from the satisfaction of year old ramen in a cup. He is so sweet and innocent at times. "Um... Sasuke what are you looking at do I have something on my face?" He interrogated me.

     "No I was just look to see if you can tell if there is a lump on your head from yesterday. By the way I forgot to ask what were those guys beating you up for." His face went glum at my words so I decided not to mention it anymore. "You know what just forget it."

     "It's fine. They said something about how they didn't like how I was too happy go lucky all the time...and then before I knew it you were saving me." Why those fucking bastards beating up my Naruto for smiling. I could feel my anger growing as I slammed my fist onto the table.

     "Those shit heads. Punching you for smiling. What dumbasses." I angrily growled looking down at the glossy table.

     "But I'm fine so don't worry ab-"

     I cut him off by placing my hand over his sweet lips. "It doesn't matter they hurt you so I will see to it personally they are laying in the ground as soon as possible." I told my darling.

     He ripped my hand off his mouth. "No I'll do anything just don't murder them." Huh he won't let me even kill the sons of bitches.

     "Fine I won't hurt them." I replied as a sigh of relief came from his lips and and evil thought entered my head. "But in return you have to kiss me." This way I can get closer to making him mine and if he won't I guess I'll just have to steal it from him. He blinked trying to process what I said.

     "Fine you can kill them." I shook my head at him with a dark smirk appeared on my face and I leaned up to his. "Sasuke stop!" He yelled at me and tried to push me away with his hand but I took them both in my firm grasp and pushed my lips up against his. He was frozen so I pushed my tongue into his mouth tasting his sweet saliva. When we broke away he was still in shock so I decided to give him another when I heard the front door open and saw Itachi.

     "Sasuke." He called out and luckily went to the other side of the house after shutting the front door. I felt Naruto's hands trying to get free from my grip so  I tightened my hand releasing his other and dragged him to my room as his free hand kept trying to push of mine. His feet had no traction in his socks so it was the perfect opportunity but right as I reached for the door handle when I looked back and saw tears in his eyes.

     "Help!" He screamed before I could stop him as I heard my brother's foot steps coming up.

     "What the hell are you doing Sasuke?" He asked angrily before snatching my Naruto from my hand. "Are you ok?" He said turning to look at my weeping love and that's when I snapped back into reality.

     "Naruto. I'm so sorry. I lost control over myself. Please forgive me. I'm so so so sorry." I pleaded as tears started to role down my pale cheeks.

     "Let's get you home." He told Naruto and took him outside before he put him in his car. When he walked back in I knew I was in big trouble. "Sasuke I want you to answer me honestly. What were you going to do if I hadn't come home?" He questioned sternly with tears still rolling down my face. When I didn't come up with an answer he went back to the car and drove away, still pissed.

Naruto's point of view
     I can't believe he did that. I rubbed my blurry eyes and heard someone get into the vehicle. I looked up and saw Sasuke's older brother. He put the keys in the car and we drove off and I told him where I lived.

     Once we got there he took the keys out and looked over to me. "What all did Sasuke do to you?" I sniffed as my tears got heavier at the thought.

     "He force kissed me and then 'sniff' he tried to take me to his room when you got home." I told him. All of the sudden I heard phone buttons dialing and I looked up to see my phone in his hand. "What are you doing?"

      "Calling who ever pervy sage is." He replied before I swiped the phone from his hand and hung up before getting out of the car.

     "Please don't tell anyone I just want to forget about what happened." I say to him before shutting the door and walking to my apartment.

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