The November Festival

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I couldn't help but add this cute picture. I hope you love my book. Just to let you know I will be going to see EchoSmith Monday so I'll try to update before then twice tomorrow probably and one more time tonight. Sorry that I have gotten a little behind on updates. Hope you love this chapter. I do.

Sasuke's dirty point of view
      I couldn't help but want to reach out and grab Naruto's butt as he pulled me to the car parked down the block. It was chilly outside but I could withstand it if I had my hand held by my sexy blonde. Once we reached the car he pulled out Itachi's keys and popped the trunk and grabbed two of his coats. He handed me a dark black button up sweater that made me look like an idiot by how big it was. Where as Naruto grabbed a brown trench coat that belongs to one of Itachi's
ex-girlfriends. He looked so innocent and sweet. A lot like a girl now that I think about it. "You look..." He turned to me now red me as he was about to open the door expecting me to now finish what I was saying. "I said you look hot." He blushes looking down at his hands.

     "Thanks you look nice to." He whispered before hoping in the passenger side with speed. Did he just compliment me? I felt my heart rate increase as I started endlessly through the window at him only being brought back by him turning in my direction to see if I was still there. I quickly slide across the hood and hop in the car and he hands me Itachi's keys. Wait my car is parked right behind his why are we taking his?

      "Where would you like to go madam?" I joke tipping my imaginary cap.

     "Well I thought we could go to the one festival across town for the middle of November." He said shyly looking back down at his lap when he finished. I nodded and started the car we rode the first few minutes in complete awkward silence. "Hey do you like roller coasters?" I turn to see his cute ambitious face and can't help but lie with a nod of my head. The truth is they make me dizzy, I don't throw up but I hate them. Although if it means he will be sitting beside me really close I'd ride a T-Rex.

Time skip
       We arrive at the festival and I park in the only empty parking space I see. "We're here." I say shaking my sleeping uke, Naruto. He slowly opens his blazing blues and looks deep into mine for a few seconds.

      "Five more minutes pervert." He says turning towards the car door and cuddling up into a ball. I get out and walk over to his side and open the door. "I said five minutes."

     "Guess I won't buy you ramen." He shot up and unbuckled his seat belt before hoping out and stepping up right in front of me in a flash. Our chests touching. I start to blush but I think his mind is too one tracked to think about anything else than ramen at this time. His face had a begging face and his hands were in front of his face.

       "Please buy me ramen?" He said.

       "Fine." I say.

      He then takes my hand and drags me along when someone calls out, "Fags!" I turn over with a scowl on my face in the direction of the voice. "Look the ducky haired one is mad!" And I can now see who it is. He messy black greasy hair and a beer in hand. Surrounding him are three others, this bastard is drunk.

      I feel a tight hug around my arm and I look down at my blondie. His face is pushing into my biceps and I can tell he just wants me to walk away. "At least I got somebody that loves me!" I yell back and me and my somebody walk away. He's been acting pretty clingy since what happened and for some odd reason I don't know why. I love it though.

Time skip
Naruto's point of view
      Me and Sasuke just got off our first ride and I take his hand to make him follow my lead to our next destination when I spot Kiba. "Hey yo' Kiba!" I shout over the people raising one hand to wave to him still holding Teme's.

      He turns my way and waves back starting to walk over. I shake off Sasuke's hand so he doesn't see I was holding it as he makes his way through the crowd. "Hey Sasuke." He says giving my company a nod and turning to me. "Where were you at school Naruto?" He asks and the memory starts to play back in my head. How the weirdo touched and kissed me and how Sasuke had to watch. I fall to my knees and start to cry and Kiba just stares until he joins me at the ground with a hug.

      "Get off him." I hear Sasuke growl before being released and a new set of arms around me. "It's ok Naruto." Kiba stares. He's making me feel uncomfortable, Sasuke just keeps rubbing my back until I push him off.

       "I'm fine." I say wiping away my still falling tears. Kiba just stares.

      "I'm confused. What happened? Did someone die?" Kiba asks worried. I shake my head drying the last tears of mine.

      I put on my familiar grin and speak, "Don't worry I'll be fine."

      "That doesn't seem like fine." Kiba refers back to what just happened moments ago. "But I guess there's no reason to argue." After that we talk for a long time together about what I missed at school, mainly all the drama and rumors. For what seemed like ten minutes of talk later we parted ways and me and Sasuke walked towards the Ramen stand.

      "I'll take misco ramen with extra barbecue pork." I say to the kind lady behind the counter.

      "I'm fine." Sasuke tells the lady who try goes and tells the chef.

      "Well if it isn't the two same fagets." Said the same deep voice from earlier.

Hope you liked it this was my favorite chapter so far. Please
My dear readers thank you.

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