Jiraiya Calls

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I got sick so...yeah. Sorry for not updating in a few days. If it seems rushed it is. I am using my old iPhone that is broke so let's hope it saves when I am done. If not I will rewrite later. Enjoy.

Naruto's point of view
Flashback of his old school for why he drank back then.
      "Look at that loser. Looks like he still hasn't killed himself." Whispered one of the many mean girls in my school. I hate my life. The only good thing is ramen and nothing no longer excites me in this cruel town. I tried to be but everyone would act the same so I eventually gave up hope on joy.

      I walk out to my god father's car and hop in the back seat and we drive off to our house. "Naruto."

       "Yeah." I mumble nearly unhearable  but yet Percy sage always manages to hear me. He looks at the road in silence making sure it's safe before responding back to my quiet foggy words.

      "I want you to transfer schools." Like they would treat me any better. "I already arranged plans for Iruka to check up on you every once in a while and chose a cheap apartment. You'll be living by yourself and I'm going to stay here for work." I nod depressively like I just saw my puppy get ran over by a car and then thrown into the ocean by a giant sea gull.

Once we get home I head straight to my bed and toss myself upon it. I stand and pull out a suitcase from under twin sized bed. Slowly opening it I pull out the tequila bottle half empty and chugging the rest drain my pain away. By this time Jiriayh has already left for work so I know I won't get caught. I put the lid back on and place it in its spot so he doesn't find it.

I head to the kitchen and grab the worlds best food ever that brings even me joy. Ramen. I walk over and sit on the couch turning on Netflix. I play just a random dumb show that I don't even watch as I eat my ramen.
End of flash back

Shoot. I should have gotten rid of it now we are both going to get yelled at. I hug Sasuke tight and he does the same. All the sudden under where his head is a warm liquid spills into me. Throw up. "Gross Sasuke!" I yell pushing him off. Well at least it's a distraction. "I am going to go take a shower Itachi.

"I guess I'll be leaving then bye SasuNaru. Bye Itachi." Sakura sings walking out my front door leaving three people in my apartment. Now that I think about it, I have changed a lot because of this town. I can't think of a time I wasn't with someone else for a day.

"We will wait so we can sort this out because I have a pretty good guess where he got the alcohol." Itachi's brother growls at us before starting to clean my house.

Time skip
Once I finish my shower I get dressed. I put on one of my orange shirts with a five prong seal on it. This seal is my family crest. Well at least that's what Jiraiya says. All I know is that it's cool.

The first thing I see when I step outside of my bedroom is a clean apartment. Itachi gives me a wave and I notice Sasuke is in only pants and his shirt I got him is covered in puke. "Can we wash this." He states more then asks while I admire my boyfriend shirtless. I see the stitches where his wound was and it was almost healed.

"Hey when was Sasuke supposed to get out of the hospital again?" I ask Itachi as teme dusts my cupboards.


"Can he stay here tonight?" I never thought I'd ask that. He looks at Sasuke now trying to think and in the end nods.

Then my phone starts to ring and I check it. Pervy Sage. I answer the phone and walk into my bed room. "Hey." I say with a big grin. This is the third call I got from him since the second week of school.

       "Hey Naruto you sound happy." I still haven't told him about Sasuke yet because we have only been together for a week and a half. Wow it seemed like so much longer. "Don't forget next week is Thanksgiving. Are you coming?"

       "Of course. Is Iruka bringing Kakashi?"

      "Actually he just called about bringing him the other day. Do have a special someone you are bringing?" Should I bring him.

       "I'll have to check but probably." Yay I did it. I sound like such a girl.

"So who is the lucky girl?"

"It's a..." I mumbled.

"Who?" Jiraiya asked a little confused by my quiet mumbles.

"His name is Sasuke." I say now turning red as I stare down at my feet waiting for Pervy Sage to respond.

"Well good for you." He chirps. "So do you know if he is coming. Tell him he can bring his family if he wants."

"One sec." I then walk back out to the living room and kitchen. Sasuke still has his shirt off and it takes me a while to talk again. "Sasuke. My godfather wants to know if you want to come to my family's thanksgiving. He says you can bring Itachi."

"I will be there dobe." He replied and my face lights up with joy.

"They are coming although his only family is his older brother so it will still be a small party."

"Ok. Bye Naruto."

"Bye Pervy Sage." And then we hang up. Next I walk over to teme and give him a tight hug. We are both sitting on the floor when Itachi interrupts us.

"I am going to go get his stuff. Don't do anything I would beat you for. That means you mr drunk."

Hope you liked it. By the way I released the first two chapters of my new book. Naruto's Love. Go and read it if you like this one. Bye love you guys. Jiraiya has entered and I finally got this chapter done.

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