Lost Virginity: Practical Help to Reclaim Your Future

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Lost Virginity: Practical Help to Reclaim Your Future

By: Kristen Clark

Jana was new to youth group and seemed to have a built in magnet for every guy who met her. She was pretty, but very quiet, which instantly created intrigue and curiosity in all the guys who saw her.

Her parents weren't a fan of her having a boyfriend until she was older, so she didn't take any of the guys too seriously.

Until she met Nate.

Nate was the youth pastor's son and didn't flock to her like the rest of the guys.

This created curiosity and intrigue in Jana and she became secretly determined to add his attention to her list.

Within a week they were friends.

Nate wasn't what most girls would consider attractive, but he had a contagious personality which drew Jana in and captivated her. Jana began dreaming of what it would be like to have Nate for her boyfriend and imagined how exciting going on dates would be.

Not before long, Nate and Jana figured out a secret plan for how to "date" without anyone realizing it. They told their parents they were going out with a group of friends, but would secretly hang out alone.

One lie led to another, one compromise to the next, and within six months Nate and Jana had given away their virginity to one another.

Instantly shocked at what she had done, Jana was too ashamed and embarrased to tell her parents. She cried herself to sleep at night with a million questions running through her mind.

"Am I worth anything now?"
"Can God forgive me?"
"Will a godly man ever want to marry me?"
"Is it possible to have a pure future?"
"How do I recover from this?"

Jana struggled with questions like these and many more.

Have you ever felt like Jana?

We're continually receiving emails from Christian girls just like Jana and they're asking the same questions.

We have written many blog posts on the topics of purity and saving sex for marriage (See: )...but what about the Christian girls who have lost their virginity? What about the girls who are already on the other side of the fence?

What now?

That is exactly what this blog post is here to address.

Whether you're a single girl who's given away your virginity, or you're still a virgin, this blog will be beneficial for you to read. It will also be a great resource to forward to any girl-friends who need hope.

Our culture tells you it's not a big deal to lose your virginity before marriage, but what they forgot to mention is the fine print.

Whether the culture likes it or not, they do not write the rule book.

God is the author, designer and creator of sex and He wrote the manual. Contrary to popular opinion, He didn't create it to be thrown around, given away to a boyfriend, or used to fill a void (Genesis 2:24).

God created sex to be used in ONE context and one context alone – marriage (between a man and woman, I might add). Outside of that context, consequences will always follow (Hebrews 13:14). We see that in the thousands of Christian girls (and guys) who are struggling with shame, guilt, depression, insecurities, and fear as a result of "awakening love before its time (Proverbs 5:15)."

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