Godly Womanhood in the 21st Century

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Godly Womanhood in the 21st Century

The 21st century. It's all lights, women, movies, drama, world corruption and drugs. Business and cooperate offices are run and managed by men and women who are less than moral. Our teenagers are living wild, reckless lives. Or it's the opposite, sacrificing family life for careers, recreation, money, knowledge, and power-the "me life". Teen pregnancies, abortions, rape, gang violence, alcoholism and drugs are part of the norm for the life of a teenager in our day and age. College is no different.

   In today's culture women like Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, Kim Kardashian, and successful business women are looked on as highly successful and are idolized by young girls. These women are popular with both men and women. Since people think so highly of them, of course everyone wants to be just like them. Girls want to be sexy and popular. The media portrays success to a woman as having a job, making money, leading a family, having smart successful children, having the perfect home, and having their husbands bless and serve them. Women are not content until they have this and more.

(Now, I know and fully understand that there are so many single moms and single girls who are without a family who need jobs and work. My mom had a full time job for 5 years after my dad was diagnosed with several brain disorders! She had to provide for a family of 9 by working for our small family run business alone. I know how hard it is, and how distressing it can be. So please don't take it to heart or feel discouraged if you are a single provider with no husband to take care of you. God is our ultimate father and husband in the end. He will care for you and help you. Only by turning to Him can we find complete security and peace. )


Sadly this is not just occurring in the secular societies but also in the church. Women are sometimes seen preaching from the pulpit, pastors don't want to take sides in moral or governmental issues, there is no backbone to modern churches. Women gossip and point fingers in the church and churches are split. Youth groups are turning into church dates. Boys and girls go to hang out with their peers and flirt with each other.

This is the most disturbing to me. We are using God and using the church to get boyfriends and girlfriends; to send secret glances to a crush that say a lot more than "hello" and then wrap it with a "Christian" label because it's just youth group! Girls dress like the celebrities they watch and boys get "in touch with their feminine side" by wearing girlish clothing.

So what happened to our country where just 60 years ago women were content to be beautiful and live at home and love their husbands and children? Where the men were manly and loved to be the leaders and entrepreneurs? Where churches were the influence to the world (rather than the other way around) and revivals sprung up throughout the country with preachers like Billy Gram, Charles Swindoll, Warren Wiersbe, Chuck Smith, and others?


They lost the vision their grandmothers had before the great wars. The ladies had to go to work to support their families. They watched their husbands dissipate into drugs and alcohol. They were told religion was wrong and that they could get rid of their babies if they wanted too. Women have been lied to in schools, through the media, their peers, their colleagues and even their embittered parents. The 1950's school text books used to share the vision of home and happiness. Today, women are told this suppresses you and will make you unhappy.

So half of the reason why our country and children are failing, the reason why there are so many abortions, and the reason so many teenagers and young adults are lost and irresponsible is because women have left the heart of their homes. They've that something is better than the moral grounds which this country was based on and which their mothers were raised on. Why am I only blaming the women? Don't the men have some involvement with the destruction which is at hand? Of course they do. But it starts at the home; with the mothers. Women train children, they feed them, they inspire, they are the source of information whom everyone turns to.

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