When Waiting on God's Promises Feels Like Wishing On a Star

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When Waiting on God's Promises Feels Like Wishing On a Star

Do you ever wonder why we care so much about things like this . . .

Am I as pretty as that girl?Does that popular person like me?Does this outfit look okay?Does that guy think I'm cute?

Even we girls who follow Jesus are tempted to think the things of this world will fill up the longings in our heart; they often seem more real to us than the promises of God. Waiting for God to fulfill His promises can seem like wishing on a star or waiting for a fairy tale to come true. Not only that, but the empty promises around us are screaming for our attention!

God's love for you and me could not be contained or stopped by anything—not by time or space or even our own rebellion against Him.

Today I spent a few hours at my local mall doing some Christmas shopping. A cheerful rolling announcement played over the loudspeakers: "This year, fill every room of your home with Christmas swag! Remember, too much is never enough!" The declaration seemed all too believable with the sleigh bells jingling in the background and the twinkling lights greeting me at every turn.

I've lived through enough Christmases by now to know that no amount of "Christmas swag" leaves you feeling happy for very long. My boxes of Christmas decorations have usually gone out of style by the very next year (not to mention my clothes). So why am I still tempted to buy more? I think it's because I have a hard time believing God's promises.

Children of the Promise

Do you know what the Bible calls believers in Christ? It calls us, "." If we've been promised something, we're still waiting for it. Paul says in Romans 8 that we're . He also says that thewhole creation is groaning in the pains of childbirth waiting for the revealing of the children of God. We're still waiting for Christ to return in all of His glory.

When you think of it like this, doesn't it make sense that the things of this world wouldseem more real than the things God has promised us? It would seem like a good idea to indulge ourselves now because who even knows when all that stuff is going to happen, right?

And because all of creation is groaning and suffering in very real ways, our instincts tell us to reach for something, anything, to help ease our discomfort and anxiety.

The Promise Keeper

What do you reach for? Maybe it's physical affection from your boyfriend that you know is going too far. Maybe it's a double cheeseburger with super-sized fries. Maybe it's more Christmas swag.

God always, always,always keeps His promises.

Dear ones, we serve a massive, beautiful, all-powerful God whose goodness reaches far beyond the outer edges of this universe. His love for you and me could not be contained or stopped by anything—not by time or space or even our own rebellion against Him. And do you know something else about our God? He always, always, always keeps His promises.

For hundreds of years, God's people waited for the Christ to arrive. They doubted the voices of the prophets and wondered if they had it all wrong. They slipped into idolatry over and over, yet God's faithful promise kept rolling forward through history until it was just the right time. And in the most unlikely place, at the most unlikely moment, the fulfillment of all those promises came bursting into reality in the birth of that tiny baby who would grow up to bear the sins of us all.

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord" (Luke 2:11).

Right down to the last detail of the prophets' predictions, God has kept His Promise to us. We celebrate Advent now because our Savior has come. And God is still keeping His promises. While we wait for His second coming (this time in full glory!), we trust that His word is true and that He will . We don't have to gorge ourselves on empty promises anymore. Why?

"For all the promises of God find their yes in him" (2 Cor. 1:20a).

Why don't you take just a few minutes and write down Luke 2:11 and 2 Cor. 1:20a. Put these verses somewhere you can see them often and remind yourself of them regularly. The coming of Jesus is all the proof we need that our Heavenly Father keeps His Word. We can trust Him with our hearts and our lives. , and every one of them finds its "yes" in Christ.

Article from: Lies Young Women Believe

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