The cold truth

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1 year later...

Luna was in the ocean with Coil about to fight Scream. Coil was floating near them both. He was just watching... Luna suddenly started to change shape. Coil was surprised as he looked at her. Fins were opening up from her head, her arms, her legs and even her ears. Her scales turned slightly green and blue, her eyes changed to a crimson red and looked like they were made out of a crystal. Her mouth had sharp fangs that looked like it came from a kraken. She looked like a half human, half sea creature. Coil was completely shocked. It was this moment, when he remembered the dream he had. 'Luna's world...'. Is this what it all meant?! Then what about the ice!? Coil had tons of questions. But he had to wait...

Luna dived underwater. Scream was shocked.

"Huh!? Where is she!?" Said Scream as he dived underwater as well looking for her.

He looked around the dark blue void. He looked and looked and looked but no life could be found. Then, from underneath the deep lagoon, Luna pounced on his legs and bit them. Scream yelled in pain as he tried to shake her off of him. Luna wouldn't let go of him but she couldn't hold on for long. So she swam around him causing Scream to get confused. Luna then shot towards him and scratched his chest causing him to scream in pain. However, Scream grabbed her arm, pulled her towards him and kicked her stomach. Luna was in a lot of pain and Coil didn't even know. He couldn't see what was going on. He can only pray for her safety no matter if she was some kind of fish or not. Scream swam towards her and grabbed on to her arm again. But this time, Luna started to swim away. She was swimming so fast and Scream was barely able to hold on to her. She then let go of him, went away from him, turned back and smashed her arm through his chest. Luna looked at him in anger. Unlike Coil, she can control her powers. Luna was much faster, stronger, tougher and more interesting.

"M-mercy... Please..." Said Scream.

"You! Who show no mercy towards anyone now beg for it?! You're no fighter! You're just fish food!" She said as she kicked him to the bottom of the ocean.

Luna sighed with relief. She floated back up and poked her head out. She saw Coil and smiled. Coil sighed in relief. But he was speechless.

"I'm sorry for not telling you about this... Do you think I'm a monster now?" She said a little worried.

"L-Luna... I don't care who y-you are. Be it a fish or human or even an alien, I made a promise on our wedding and I vow to keep it!" He said slowly gaining his confidence back.

Luna smiled, slowly approached him and kisses him. Coil kissed back.

After a while, they stopped.

"Thank you" said Luna.

"No problem. I mean, you don't see me as a monster so why should I see you as one? Anyways, let's get back onto the shi-" he said before suddenly being dragged under the ocean.

"COIL!!!" Shouted Luna as she dived under to rescue him.

Scream was pulling him towards the sea floor.

"Let's see if you can handle the pressure! Oh my god... I'm turning into Darkness... Curse you!!!" He said as Darknesses laugh echoed in the ocean floor.

Coil was losing his breath and his body couldn't handle the underwater pressure. He was at least below 20 feet underwater by now. Luna suddenly screamed in anger and she suddenly froze Scream in ice. Coil was free! But he was not looking to well. Scream sank to the bottom of the ocean again. Only he was completely frozen.

Coil was almost unconscious and was loosing breath. Luna floated up as fast as she could. Just then, a last bubble of air escaped Coil. Luna noticed and was really worried. She then thought very quickly and suddenly kissed him. She was giving him air. Coil's vision was blurry and he then fainted. Luna stopped hoping he was able to last long enough then dramatically rose to the surface of the ocean. She then quickly approached the ship, got on with Coil, quickly turned back to normal so no one could see her in her fishy appearance and got on the ship with Coil. She only hoped that Coil was still alive.

A depressing future. Luna and Coil's legacy. Part 2 [COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora