Yellow, the primal sun

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Luna was running in a grassy meadow with Project. They ran through the flowers, jumped over small streams of water and dodged rocks that were in their way. Luna was determined to get to Coil. She must! Project was losing his breath and slowing down a little. He was exhausted. But Luna pressed on! She ran on no matter what! Her heart was racing with the thrill of meeting Coil once again.

[Maybe he might kiss me...] She thought as her face turned slightly red.

She kept moving forward. They eventually reached the prison and went to the man.

"Sorry only 1 person may see Coil" he said.

"Please! We need to tell him something important!" Said Luna.

The man sighed.

"Fine but I'm sending a guard to watch over you" he said as he called a lady over.

She looked well trained and very serious. She had short, black hair with yellow eyes.

"Let's go then" she said as she went to take the steps.

"Uh... The elevator is over here" said Project.

"I take my training seriously thank you very much" she said as she was descending down the stairs.

Luna and Project went down the elevator. They were about to meet Coil once again...

They arrived in the C floor and saw that the lady was already at the door.

"Took you long enough" she said as she opened the door.

"Coil you have visitors!" She said as Luna and Project walked in.

This time, Coil was less chained up. He was actually happy to see Luna. So when he saw her, his face was filled was happiness.

"Luna!" He said.

"As much as I want to hug you right now, well... We came to tell you something important" said Luna.

Project and Luna explained everything. About C.O.L.O.U.R and Project being the offspring of Luna and Coil. About how he was from the future and how she missed him so much. Coil was filled with total shock.

"Well... This story has gotten crazy without me..." Said Coil.

"Look, we need your help. You have powers that any fire user can dream of! Your powers can save this world!" Said Project.

"Then why didn't it save your future?!" Replied Coil.

Project looked at the floor and sighed.

".....Because... You died before C.O.L.O.U.R could corrupt this world" he said.

"WHAT!?!" Said Luna.

Coil was shocked.

"I die!?" He said.

"Yes... It was very tragic. I was only 9 when it happened. One day, you were fighting one of the members of C.O.L.O.U.R when your flame turned blue. Then, something happened... You were not yourself anymore. After C.O.L.O.U.R retreated, you then said 'who is this Coil!? You mean the owner of this pathetic body!?! Ha! I'm The legendary Primal sun Yellow! With my powers hotter than the sun in space, I shall rid this world of all evil! Including all mortals. They are the worst thing that has happened to this world. With so much Greed and selfishness and anger and hate! So I'm here to burn all of them! That's the message God sent me. And I am going to start with you!' Then... You suddenly regained consciousness. But you looked like you were not going to be in control for long. So... You punch yourself right through your chest and fell to the ground. Your last words were, 'I'm so sorry... I did this to protect you all... Luna I will always be standing beside you even in death. Just don't ever forget, I have never loved anything else in this world more than you. You're special to me and I will treasure the memories we shared in heaven. May God accept me as a hero... I... Love you...' You then kissed Luna before you remain lifeless" said Project.

Coil couldn't believe anything he was saying. Luna was totally shocked by all this.

"NO! I don't want to lose Coil!" She shouted.

"Which is why we're going to change that!" Said Project.

Then Coil looked at him.

"So your telling me, I have an second soul living inside of me called Yellow!?" He said.

Project nodded.

"Coil... I don't want you to transform anymore if it means waking up Yellow. I can't imagine what might happen if that happened. I don't even know how it happened" she said.

Coil sighed.

"Well... I'm going to tell you something important... I had an experiment done on me when I was captured by the hunters!" He said.

A depressing future. Luna and Coil's legacy. Part 2 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now