A mystery

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1 year ago...

Coil was walking around as usual. He was enjoying himself as he was with Luna. But... When he looked at Luna, she was gone. Coil looked everywhere but couldn't find her. Soon, the floor started to pull him under like quicksand. He was sinking and shouting.

"Luna!!!" He said with his last breath before being pulled under.

Coil then suddenly opened his eyes. He was now on a cliff.

"Huh!? Luna where are you!?" He said.

"Who's Luna?" Said a strange voice.

Coil suddenly turned around and his face was white and pale with grim. It was Catty!

"CATTY!?!?! But you're dead! How is this possible!?!" He shouted.

Catty smiled.

"Aw Coil... You must have had a bad dream..." She said as she kissed him with her eyes closed.

Coil had his eyes open in total shock and was trying to break free. Catty stopped.

"Coil what has gotten into you?" She said.

Coil was freaking out.

"No! You're dead! I'm with Luna now and... A-and..." He said.

Catty smiled and looked at him.

"Oh Coil... How you amuse me..." She said with an evil laugh as her head turned 360 degrees to the left.

Coil stepped back. Catty had an evil grin. Then, her face melted off to reveal a black hole!

"Silly Coil...
You can't escape the truth..."

Said Catty as Coil was sucked in through the black hole.

Coil was floating in a dark void. Everything was completely dark... Then, a door appeared! It was a pink and light blue door with golden words engraved on it saying, 'Luna's world'. Coil slowly went to reach the golden door knob and open the door. As he pulled the door towards him, he saw a brick wall that was blocking the door. Coil was confused.

"What kind of madness is this!?!" He shouted.

Then, the brick wall slowly began to feel cold. Coil put his hand on the wall and found it was turning blue and white. It was being frozen! Ice everywhere on the door! Coil went to remove his hand but the ice was slowly taking over his body and freezing him to death. Soon, only his face wasn't covered in ice. Coil then heard another voice.

"You think you know her!?
She's just been keeping her secrets locked up from you!

Said a strange voice that sounded a bit odd... The whole room suddenly turned Yellow! Then, Coil screamed as his face was frozen.

Coil woke up. He had a nightmare. He looked around and saw Luna. He was alive and everyone was safe. Coil woke Luna up. He was so scared.

"Huh!? Coil? What's wrong?" She said.

"I had a n-nightmare...!" He said as his face was white and pale.

Luna smiled and hugged him.

"There there... I'm here for you Coil. You can trust me don't worry" she said in a relaxed tone.

Coil smiled.

"Heh... You're right" he said.

Luna nodded.

"After all, there's nothing I would hide from you..." She said.

Coil then immediately remembered the dream. Was this real?!

(Note: this was some epic foreshadowing. Keep this chapter in mind)

A depressing future. Luna and Coil's legacy. Part 2 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now