Coil and Luna's son

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Luna woke up an hour later... She was in bed. Project was looking after her. He put blankets on her and made her a tomato soup. It was her favourite. She looked around.

"Project! I need to talk to you!" She shouted.

"Oh! You're awake!" Shouted Project as he ran back to her.

"Thank you for taking care of me but I need answers. Are you really my son from the future?" She said.

Project faked laughed.

"You must have had a terrible dream" he said.

Luna growled a little.

"I know it wasn't a dream! I will ask again, Are you my son from the futu-" she said before being interrupted.

"Yes! Ok!? You want proof!?" He said as he got out a photo.

Luna picked it up and looked at it. It was Coil and Luna with Project. They were smiling as the three were hugging each other. Project looked a little younger and Coil and Luna were a little older. Project looked 9 years old. Luna smiled and looked at it.

"Ok I believe you. But only because it explains everything. For example, you disappeared because me and Coil broke up. But you reappeared after we got back together. Also, you have my hair..." She said with a smile.

"And that's how I know all about Coil and you. And why I blocked out my memories because of Ashley" he said.

Luna looked at him and smiled.

"I must tell Coil all about this! He will love it" she said.

Project smiled.

"Just make sure he doesn't go crazy with answers" he replied.

"Then you can come with us!" She said.

And so, the two of them set off in the forest looking for Coil.

Meanwhile, Moon, Heat and Ashley were relaxing. Moon was with Heat and Ashley was with them as well but she was minding her own business. It looked so peaceful...

"You know... I still don't like Coil. He is stupid and really he should rot in that cell forever" said Moon.

"Look I understand you don't like Coil but you need to think about what you are saying! Right now I bet he's suffering from boredom, loneliness and possibly hunger and depression" said Heat.

Then... Ashley noticed something.

"Sometimes not right..." She said.

Then, a strange man appeared. He looked a lot like the one that killed Catty. However, he was red and purple instead of green and purple. Also, he wore a different mask. Finally, he could speak.

"So... I see more humans in my path. I might as well cast them aside with my battle suit" he said as his arms turned into cannons.

"Whoa!" Said Moon as she got up and used her shadow powers to create a ball of pure darkness.

Then she quickly misses the cannon blasts and tossed the shadow ball at his face.

"Agh! You seem to catch me off guard. Well then, it's 3 against 1. That's no fair. I'm gunna call Poison and Darkness!" He said as a strange radio wave came from his head.

He then continued to fight Moon. Then he turned his arm into a light machine gun.

"Eat up!" He said as he screamed with delight when he fired.

He shot everywhere but everyone was hiding behind a tree. Then Moon slowly sank into the ground turning into a shadow. She went behind him, rose up from the ground and kicked the side of his head sending him flying. The man was knocked against a huge rock. Then Heat got up and fired his flames at him. The man screamed as he was being burned. Then Heat stopped and all was silent...

The man fell to the ground, exhausted.

"You... Pathetic mortals!" He said. Then, 2 strange men fell from the sky and landed dramatically in front of him. One of them was wearing a suit that was black and purple, again, it wasn't red and purple or green and purple. The other was the man that killed Catty and fought Coil on the island.

"Poison! Darkness!" He said.

"Oh, Scream! Looks like you just got burned!" Said Darkness with a laugh.

Poison moved his head side to side looking annoyed.

"Not funny Darkness!" Said Scream.

"Oh really? Well I'm sure the people out there are laughing" said Darkness.

"What has Master told you about breaking the fourth wall!? Anyways you're here to help me and that's what you will do!" He said.

"Well I couldn't 'help' but notice tha-" he said before being interrupted.


The man that killed Catty then healed Scream.

"Thank you Poison" he said as Poison nodded.

The 3 were looking at Heat, Ashley and Moon. Darkness was smiling and laughing slightly. Scream glared at him then all 3 of them charged towards the others dramatically.

A depressing future. Luna and Coil's legacy. Part 2 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now