The anger of Coil

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"Everyone! Listen! I am sick and tired of having to put up with all this evil in this world! I just wanted to live a normal life with Luna but I am constantly being hunted down by 2 groups of people! And you're one of them! And the reason you're doing this is because you are all scared of me! So you lock me up and treat me like some kind of wild animal!!!" Shouted Coil.

Everyone in the whole room was surprised. They all listened to him.

"If you want to stop all this evil in the world then let me join you! I am not your enemy! And I will use my powers for good! I will lay down my life to protect this beautiful world!"

Just then, Coil remembered the moments he shared with Catty and Luna. And he thought of how beautiful this world is. With all it's nature and unique animals.

"And... As a matter of fact, I know someone that died because of these monsters! And she was just an innocent girl that loved this planet like how we all do... So, that means that I am not with them! I am against them! So will you trust me or are you too scared? Because I have faced countless battles in my life and stared at death right in its eyes. And what about you? You're just weak! You rely on other people to help you! And judging from the fact that you are hiding your appearance towards us, means that you are all hiding from me because you are cowards! SO MAN UP AND FIGHT!!! FIGHT FOR OUR PLANET THAT OUR GOD GIFTED US WITH!!!" Said Coil.

The whole room was silent as echoes of Coil's speech danced around the building. Until, the leader got up and removed his robes to reveal dark, brown skin with blue eyes, short black hair and a short moustache. The others took off their robes too. Some were female. Others were male. Some had blonde hair, others had brown hair.

"So... We're cowards?" The leader said.

"Yes! And by punishing me, you are only just further backing up my statement!" Replied Coil.

The man started to laugh.

"Alright! I will end this court now. Jury, do you find him guilty or innocent?" He said.

The whole jury talked for about 5 minutes. Then, a formal looking lady with long black hair and red eyes sat up from the jury.

"Your honour, we have all decided that Coil is without a doubt..... Insane... But also not guilty!" She said.

"Very well... Coil, if you defeat these 3 people people for good, you are free to go" he said.

Luna smiled and ran over to Coil and hugged him.

"Coil! I'm glad you're safe. And that was an amazing speech" she said.

"Good job brother!" Said Tom as he clapped his hands.

Swift looked angry. But she sighed.

"I will be watching you Coil!" She said as she unlocked the chains that were holding him to the floor.

20 minutes later, Coil walked outside with Luna looking pleased.

"Coil. I'm glad you're ok but remember, you have a job to do. And whatever happens, I will help you no matter what" she said with a smile.

Coil smiled as well.

"Yeah... Thank you for defending me in court" he said.

"No problem at all..." Said Luna.

"Now let's go back and check on Project" she said.

Coil nodded as they both walked back home together... As they did, Coil held Luna's hand causing her to smile with a bright blush. Coil blushed and smiled too. He knew that he would be faced with lots of tough trials in the future. But for now, he just wanted to be with his one true love, Luna...

A depressing future. Luna and Coil's legacy. Part 2 [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora