A sign of yellow

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Hours after what happened, Coil was in his house. He had told Luna what happened and she was proud of him.

"You did the right thing Coil" she said.

Coil smiled. Then... There was a knock on the door. Coil looked out the window. It was Darkness, Poison and Scream! He ran towards the door and before he could open it, Luna shouted.

"Wait! Coil! Don't lose control okay?"

Coil nodded and opened the door to see Darkness standing in front of the other two.

"Well then... I have come here to tell you that I am going to have to fight you. If you win then we will never interfere with your life's again. If you lose however... Well..." Said Darkness.

He then suddenly started laughing uncontrollably. Coil looked at Luna.

"Coil... I will let you fight him but please don't lose control. And also, if you're getting brutality beaten up, feel free to quit the fight" she said.

Coil looked at him. Darkness smiled while Scream was in the background looking annoyed.

"Ok. Challenge accepted!" Said Coil as he walked towards a small river.

Everyone including Luna followed.

Coil stood in front of Darkness. They looked at each other.

"Ok let's begin the staring contest!" He said.

Scream moaned in the background.

"Ugh! Enough already! We're fighting! Now are you going to attack or no-" Coil said before being kicked in the stomach.

The battle begins!

Darkness grabbed his head and as he was about to claw his face, Coil did a backflip causing Darkness to fall backwards.

"Whoa! I didn't say do a barrel roll but ok!" He said laughing.

"Darkness don't be stupid! He did a backflip not a barrel roll!" Said Scream in the background.

Darkness looked at Coil and his hands turned into claws. He slashed at him repeatedly. Darkness was much faster than Coil so Coil ended up getting scratches on his skin. Coil then jumped over him, grabbed his head and slammed it against his knee. Darkness fell to the ground. He quickly regenerated.

"Time for round two..." He said taking off his cape to reveal his black tank top that was made of thin material.

Luna looked at him.

"Whoa..." She said as she thought Coil looked hot.

Coil's hand was engulfed in flames as he shot fire at Darkness. Darkness ran towards him and punched him in the chest. Coil then repeatedly punched him while Darkness was doing the same. Their fists were flying everywhere! Until Coil was sent flying towards the lake by a punch from Darkness. Darkness smirked.

"And the ball is out of bounds! The crowd wild with laughter and amusement!" He shouted.

Coil dramatically walked out of the lake. His eyes were filled with a wild fury.

"Round 3" said Darkness as he ran towards him.

Coil then went under his legs, jumped up and slammed his leg on Darkness neck. Darkness fell to the ground exhausted. Coil was pleased but then... His head started to hurt and he heard a voice.

!!!hsa tub gnihton si eh litnu mih nrub em teL
!thgif em teL
...em ot netsil tsum uoY
wolleY ma I ...lioC

Coil could not understand what he was saying. It was as if it was in a code... Before Coil could react, Darkness got back up and clawed Coil's chest ripping up his shirt a little. Blood was coming from his chest but he didn't give up! He got up and put his hand on his face. Coil smirked and shot fire on his face. Darkness fell the the ground again exhausted. He quickly regenerated.

"You... You're winner..." Said Darkness.

Coil smiled but then his head started to hurt again. He keeps hearing this voice but he can't understand what he is saying. Luna ran towards Coil.

"You ok!?" She said as she gave him his red cape back.

Coil nodded.

"Y-yeah... Just feeling odd..." He said as he grabbed his cape and put it on.

"Ok let's go. We're a man of our word and we will not disturb you anymore" said Scream as he teleported with Darkness.

Poison looked at them both. He sensed a great evil in Coil. But he just teleported away...

A depressing future. Luna and Coil's legacy. Part 2 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now