A bad joke

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Coil walked around the forest with Luna, Moon and Heat. It was getting late. His arms were tired from carrying Project. But he wanted to impress Luna so he kept carrying him. They eventually reached their house. It was in the forest and looked hand built. No other houses stood tall around it. So the lonely house just lays there... Coil and everyone else walked inside. He put Project in a bed in a spare room. Coil looked at him and smiled.

"Sweet dreams my son..." He said as he got up and walked out the room.

Just as he was about to enter his room, he saw Luna walking towards their room.

"Well... I guess it has been a long day" said Coil.

"Yeah... I know. It's been so long since I got to talk to you like this" she said.

Coil and Luna walked inside. They got in the bed and immediately fell asleep. They were just too tired...

Luna was having another nightmare. She hasn't had one in a long time. Flashbacks of her old village were invading her dreams. She eventually woke up looking exhausted. She looked around. She then looked at Coil who was asleep. She sighed with relief.

"Just a bad dream..." She muttered under her breath.

She then kissed Coil's cheek before going back to sleep.

Next morning, Coil woke up. He checked the time. It was 9:25am. He had overslept. Coil then looked at Luna before getting up. He put on his red cape and walked downstairs. Coil then walked outside and was about to check his mail until... He looked up from the ground... And what he saw, made him become engulfed in multiple emotions. Anger... Regret... Sadness... Fear... And most of all, thirsty. Thirsty for revenge. It was Darkness!

"Geez... All that lava from Heat made my bones tickle! He must really lava me to test my strength!" He said laughing.

Coil looked at him. He had no idea what to do...

Would his emotions get the better of him and brutality attack Darkness?

Would he just run back inside and tell everyone?

Or... Perhaps he would question him? And that's exactly what he did.

".....Who are you?" He said.

Darkness smirked.

"Oh just a man with a rather... 'Dark' mind!" He said laughing.

Coil started to cringe in anger.

"I asked you a simple question. I do not expect such poor jokes from a freak of nature like you" he said sounding aggressive.

"Well then... How do I put this in a smart and formal way... I'm the guy that 'freaks' Scream up like the annoying gentleman I am" he said laughing.

"Alright. Here's my joke, ever heard of the man that broke the fourth wall? Because I'm about to break off every single part of him until there's nothing left to break!" He said as he grabbed him by his neck.

"Leave now. I will give you mercy just this once" he said.

"Ohh! Mercy! That's French for thank you! Well if you mercy me, then I 'envy' the fact tha-" he said before Coil's eyes lit up with fury and slammed him down.

Then... Just as he did, he remembered the last time he got mad. He got up and looked at him.

"That was a warning. I suggest you leave. Tell your friends that I'm right here and I will wait for them. And when he does come... Well... We can either talk like mature men. Or, he can try and fight me. But I know he will lose, because I have friends that know and love me! Well... Everyone except Moon... And you can't defeat the bonds of trust we share with each other!" He said.

Darkness laughed.

"Well then, I 'trust' that you're a true 'gentleman' of your word and that I 'mercy' you for this kind and well thought out conversation. Ha! I can't wait to go back and tell Scream about what happened! I bet he will be-" said Darkness before he was interrupted.

"Screaming? Am I not correct?" Said Coil.

Darkness looked at him.

"More or less..." He said.

Then, he suddenly disappeared. Coil sighed.

"Man... I feel bad for the guy that has to put up with him" he said as he walked back inside with his mail.

A depressing future. Luna and Coil's legacy. Part 2 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now