The escape

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Luna looked at the camera in the room.

"So... What is your job?"

She was distracting the camera and blocking it's view. Project released Coil by cutting his chains that were holding him in place.

"Now I will distract the lady outside" said Project as he went out the room and saw the female guard looking at her white nails.

"U-um... You look pretty" he said a little nervous.

Coil was trying to sneak past.

"Huh? Don't try and flirt with me young man. I'm an independent woman and I will not let any man get the better of me, my job and what I love" she said still looking at her sharp, bitter nails.

"N-no! I meant to say um... U-uh... T-that you look pretty cool! I mean, you set an example for people out there to dedicate their lives to their work!" He said nervously.

"Whatever... Anyways, my name is Swift" she said.

"And I'm Project. Why do they call you that?" He said.

Suddenly, she was behind Project then tackled him to the ground.

"Because I'm fast you dummy. Now then... Shall I show you my other powers and set an example of what happens when you mess with me?" She said in an aggressive tone.

"N-no! Please I beg you! Just let me go and I will leave you alone I promise!" He said.

"Yeah that's right, beg! Beg like the talking dog that you are!" She said.

"Ok, now you're just being prejudice!" He said.

Now this could have gone on for a long time but meanwhile, Coil was sneaking past trying to avoid cameras and guards. He reached a corner and peeked his head slightly. He saw 2 guards and a camera.

"Damn!" He muttered under his breath.

He had no choice. He shot fire from his hand at the camera causing it to break. He then attacked the 2 guards. He managed to take 1 down but the other attacked. He put up a good fight but Coil slammed his elbow on his back causing them to faint.

"Yeah... You sleep, I escape" he said as he went in the elevator.

There was a camera inside so Coil quickly broke it. He managed to break off his collar. He was free. He made it to the top floor then bolted outside while the guard was asleep. But... As he did, he forgot to check for a camera. He was caught on film...

Luna walked towards Project.

"Come on let's go!" She said as she ran off.

Project was struggling to break free from the female guard. But he then remembered something... He managed to create a huge crack on the floor causing Swift to fall in screaming. But it wasn't a high pitched scream. It sounded more like a cry of regret. Anyways, Project ran with Luna. They didn't have long as the camera in Coils cell saw that he had escaped. Luckily, they made it to the elevator, went up to the top floor, and ran out again, not noticing the camera. They made it!

Meanwhile, outside of Coils cell, where the gaping crack was, a hand bolted out from it and grabbed on to the floor. Swift had climbed up! She had dirt on her clothes and dust on her face. She looked at the cell seeing it was empty, and snarled.

"Ok you little prick, it's time to witness my wrath!" She said as she ran very fast to the elevator.

The hunt was on!

A depressing future. Luna and Coil's legacy. Part 2 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now