New Sheriff in Town.

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*Zara's P.O.V.*

I walked around the square as I heard the park sirens go off.

Due to an anomaly, all visitors are to go indoors.

I looked at the sky and and saw the pteradons and other flying dinosaurs. I begin to panic as everyone runs and screams around me. A little girl with blonde hair is crying super loud. I grab her and take her indoors as her father runs to grab her.

"Thank you miss." He says with tears pouring down his face.

"No problem. Keep an eye on her." I say a little annoyed. I go back and try to find Zach and Gray. I see Zach's head towering over the other guests. I run to them and try to get them to move.

"Don't just stand there!" I say pissed. Then one of the dinosaurs snatches me off the ground. I begin to scream as we fly higher and higher. The dinosaur drops me and I fall into cold water.

I try to swim up as the dinosaurs drop into the water. The same dinosaur grabs me again and flies up. I gasp for air and scream then--

-Claire's P.O.V.-

"I'm gunna go check the raptors, make sure Hoskins doesn't touch them." Ellie says as she unbuckles her seatbelt.

"Got it. Stay safe." I say.

We get off the vehicle and I see Owen and the ACU team form up and start shooting at the flying dinosaurs. I get up on a table and look around for my nephews.

I turn and see Owen get hit in the back by a dinosaur and he holds its head as he tries to not get eaten.

I jump off the table and grab his gun. I hit the Dino on the side of the head I shoot it right after it welps. I feel the adrenaline pump through my veins as I help Owen up.

I look into his eyes and give him a little nod. He pulls me in for a hug.

"She does have a heart." Owen jokes.

"Is that aunt Claire?" I hear Gray say. Owen releases and I see my nephews.

"Zach! Gray!" I yelled as I run to him.

"Oh my gosh are you ok? Where were you? Why didn't you come back?" I say as I start to tear up.

"Who's that?" Zach asked.

"Oh we work together." I say as Owen walks closer.

"Hey, we gotta go." Owen says.


"Lowery, we're coming to you." I said on the phone.

"Bad idea. This guy Hoskins is in charge. And he has this insane plan to use the raptors to hunt the indominus." He whispers.

"Use the raptors?" I ask.

"Son of a bitch." Owen says.

"You shouldn't say bitch." Gray says.

"Take the kids get em some place safe." Owen says. We hear a loud banging and the gates open up to a bunch of people.

We get in a park vehicle and Owen backs up into an alley.

"This does not feel safe." Zach says

"Can we stay with you." Gray asks.

"I'm never leaving you out of my sight." I say while breathing heavily.

"No, no! Him." They say.

"Yeah, definitely him." Gray says quietly.

-Owens P.O.V. -

We get to the raptor paddock and I get out of the car angrily.

"The Mother hen has finally arrived." Hoskins says with a smile.

I get closer to him, then punch him in the jaw.

"Get the hell outta of here. And stay away from my animals." I say.

"Hoskins, you wanted this to happen. You son of a bitch." I hear Claire say.

"Ah, Jesus. How many more people have to die before this mission makes sense to you?" He asks as he rubs his jaw.

"It's not a mission; it's a field test." Barry says sarcastically.

"This is an InGen situation. Ok, there are gunna be crew ships who get her in first light. Everyone is gunna get off this island. You're gunna watch a news story tomorrow about how you all saved lives. No, better yet, how your animals saved lives." Hoskins yells at us.

I take a deep breath and see Ellie walk up from behind.

"Owen, this might be our only chance." She says quietly.

"They've never been out of containment, it's crazy." Barry says.

"Lets move it out!" Hoskins yells to his team.

"This is happening. With or without you." He says as he gets close to me.


"We know she is in sector 5." Ellie says as she points on the map.

"We're going to play a game called hide in seek. It's a sent drill. We've done it a thousand times with these animals. And when they get on target, and they will get on target, wait to engage. Velociraptors are pack hunter; they like to put their prey into a kill zone. Wait for the shot, get a clear shot, and wait for my command. Give it everything you got, we got one target gentleman. Do not shoot my raptors, please." I say.

We all get ready and I walk over to the raptors. I go over to my beta and chat with her. I get closer and she starts to snarl.

"Easy Blue. Easy, attagirl. You don't scare me." I say as I adjust the camera strapped on her head.

"Owen!" I hear Gray say.

I walk over to them.

"Are they safe?" Gray asks.

"No, they're not." I say after a breath.

"What are their names?" Zach asks me.

"We got Charlie, Echo, here's Delta, this one's called Blue." I say as I point to each of them. "She said the Beta."

"Who's the alpha?" Gray asks as he leans on the cage.

"You're looking at him kid." I say. They both smile in amazement.

Ellie walks away from Echo and walks to me.

"Owen, c-can I talk to you?" She says nervously. I lead her away from the kids.

"What's wrong babe?" I ask as I hold her hand. She looks to the ground and her she starts to shake.

"Hey, hey. Don't cry baby. Whatever it is, we'll get through it." I say. I lift her chin up so she looks into my eyes. "Together."

"I messed up." She says quietly. "You'll hate me forever. And I wouldn't blame you." She says.

"I couldn't. Even if I tried." I say as I rub her cheek. She leans her head and rubs my hand.

"Wanna bet?" She says as more tears swell in her eyes.

She removes my hand off her face.

"Owen, I created the indominus, the dinosaur that's been terrorizing this island. And I kept it from you since the beggining." She says as tears start pouring from her face.

"Is created this monster that almost killed you, and I'm so sorry. I hate myself more than you can imagine. And I don't want you to hate me." She says.

I kiss her passionately then pull away after a couple of seconds.

"It's going to be alright. We will kill this thing, and you won't have that burden. Right now, I gotta go kill this thing. Stay with Claire. Be safe. I love you so damn much Ellie. I lost you once, a stupid dinosaur isn't going to seperate us." I say.

She kisses me real quick.

"Go kill that damn beast."

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