As the Jurassic World Turns

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{A/N get ready for a crap load of P.O.V.'s}

*Lowery's P.O.V.*

Vivian sat close to me as we rewatched the surveillance video from the Indominus paddock. Apparently it's the first hybrid dinosaur. I rewinded the footage and looked at it.

"You see that, it can camo. But the paddock is mostly infared cameras. So the only way it could hide from the thermal is if it can change its heat signature." I told Vivian who was looking exceptionally adorable with the furrow in her brow.

"Well what animal can do that?" She asked as she looked at me.

"That's what I've been saying the whole time."

"Play that again." I heard Mr. Masrani say behind me.

I played it again after Mr. Masrani neared us. I looked over at him and saw the look of anger.

"Lets just wait for Claire to give us the next news." Vivian said before going back to her desk.

"Yeah. We got to be ready for anything." I said trying to sound a little heroic.

*Claire's P.O.V*

We were driving through the valley going over the hills when we saw a big hump on the field in front of us. Owen stopped the vehicle and we all got out. Ellie ran over to the big apatasaurus and kneeled by its head. Owen walked over and put his hand on the animals head. I looked animals that the big gashes on the animal as I walked closer. I looked into the eyes of this poor creature and all I saw was pain.

A tear escaped my eye as I realised how innocent each of these animals were before the monster came and destroyed their homeostasis. The long necked creature took its last breath and Ellie gave it a kiss on its head as she cried some more.

Owen walked over and stood ahead of us.

"It's not eating them." He said. Ellie and I walked over to him. We saw the rest of the long necks in the same position as the dinosaur that just died in front of us.

"It's killing for sport." He finished. I put my hands over my mouth as I gasped. Owen began to walk back to the vehicle as I grabbed Ellie's arm.

"Ellie, I've been a terrible friend. I've been so blind to everything around me. Im sorry that you have to go through this. We should have never made this hybrid." I said as I hugged her.

"It's ok. I forgive you. Let's go find your nephews." She said. We both wrapped an arm around each other as we followed Owen.

*Zach's P.O.V.*

Gray and I walked through all the hills of the island before we got into more jungle. We've been walking for about an hour at the least already. We reached the top of one of the bigger hills when we both stopped.

"Hey," I said as I looked over to my brother. "We got this."

He looked to the ground and began to walk. I look at the "V.I.P" band around my wrist and take it off. I through to the ground in anger and continue to walk.


We walk through the dense jungle and see a crashed park vehicle and walk over to it. Gray picks up a workers helmet that had blood and was cracked through the middle. He begins to hyperventilate as he realizes the dinosaur had been here. He drops it as I go over to him and we see the big doors of the abandoned park.

We go inside and see that the inside was mostly covered in weeds and moss. I look at the ground and see an old banner.

"You still have those matches?" I asked Gray. He opens up his pouch and takes out some matches.

"Here you go." He says as he hands them to me.

I grab an old bone and wrap the banner around it. I attempt to light it up and get it on the third try.

We begin to explore the old building and we come across what I belive the be the dinning hall. I see a mural with a dinosaur on it and wipe some of the dirt off.

"Zach!" I hear my brother say.

I turn and go over to where his voice came from. We walk to an old garage and see some jeeps in there.

"1992 jeep wrangler sahara. Sand beige." My brother said as we looked at them.

"Remember when we fixed up grandpas old camaro?" I asked. He nods his head yes and we walk back to the park vehicle outside.

I take the battery out of it and we hear some dinosaur sounds in the far distance.

"You think it's out there?" I ask quickly. I look ever at Gray and see him wide eyed and starting to breath heavily.

"I mean I know for sure, that it's definitely not out there." I say to calm him down.

I take out the battery and hand it to Gray.

"Here take this. You're much stronger than me."


Gray sits in the front seat of the jeep as I tighten everything in place.

"Ok. Turn it over!" I say as I wipe my forehead. Gray turns the ignition and the jeep turns on in 3 seconds.

"Alright!" Gray says with a smile on his face. I hop in the jeep and buckle my seatbelt.

"Didn't you fail your driver's test?" Gray asks.

"Only the driving part." I said while smiling. Then I put the car in drive and take off.

We drive for a good while when we broke through an old park gate. Gray and I laughed after crashing through. I noticed Gray tense up a bit and I saw something good moving in the rear view mirror.

"Drive, drive, drive!"

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