Owen you nothing.

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I sit at my desk tapping my pencil.

Do I really have to call him? Hell, he's probably the only person up for the job. I'd ask dad, but he's had enough of monsters. I should just call him.

I drop my head on the desk with a thump. I hear Sierra meow then I feel her lick my hand.

"Sierra, what should I do?" I ask her in desperation.

"Meow." she says. She purrs as I start to pet her.

"I don't know what you are saying. But I'll call him." I say defeated.

I pick up my phone and contact journal. I find his name with that all too familiar phone number. I hold the phone up to my ear as I wait for the rings.


"Hello?" I hear him say.

"Hey Owen. It's me, Ellie." I say after a breath.

"I know it's you Ells, I'm just surprised you called me." he says after chuckling.

"Well, I did. And don't call me Ells." I say a little too harsh. I hated when he would call me that.

"What's up?"

"I have a job offer. Awesome pay, adventurous, dangerous, and free housing if they really like you."

"Hmm, sounds convincing. Then again, so did the Navy. What company do you work for?"

"I work on the genetics division for Jurassic World." I say as I start making coffee. I pour in the grounds as I hear him laugh.

"What's so funny?" I ask irritated.

"Oh, nothing. Just the fact that you work at the place that scarred your parents forever and you are asking the little boy who didn't respect raptors to go work for, God knows what."

"Well if you accept, you can learn to respect them."

"Are you asking me to work with raptors?"

"Not only work with them, train them."

"Ok, under one condition."

"Which is?"

"I can move in with you until my bungalow is built." He says. I can still hear the smile in his voice.

"Deal. I'll e-mail you all the info."

"Sweet. Bye princess."

"Ugh. Bye Owen." I hear his contagious chuckle before I hang up.


"Claire, I don't know what to do." I say as I pour her coffee.

"Don't get to worked up about it. Besides, what happened that caused you two to drift away if you were both so close?" She says after taking a sip.


"So, did you apply for the university?" I ask him. 

"Ells, you know my family doesn't have that kind of money." he says as he gets off the couch.

"Owen, you said that you were going to follow you dream of paleontology. This is your chance!"

"I know, but times are hard. With mom gone, it's not the same."

"She wanted you to do this."

"I know. But right now, I am thinking of the navy."

I look at him in complete shock.

"How can you say that? You know how I feel about that." I say as I follow him.

"I know, but this is my only option."

"Owen it's not! I could ask dad to give you  a job. I can ask mom. I'll even ask Steve if I have to!"

"Ells, you are getting yourself worked up over nothing. It'll only be a few years, then I'm done. I'll write to you everyday if it makes you happy." he embraces me as the tears flow down my face.

"I-I can't loose my best friend." I say holding on to his shirt.

"You won't. I can damn sure promise that." he says then kisses the top of my head.


{A/N: whadaya think? lol i got a lil emotional writing that flashback.}

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