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I was walking towards Claire's office as I saw a little girl playing with the Mr. DNA screen.

"Mosquitoes were trapped in amber for billions of years!" I heard it faintly say.

I laughed as I scanned my card into the employed only area.

"No, Lowery! I know I said you can keep the brachiosaurs, but can you at least keep them in one line?" I heard Claire say.

"They were in a line, buy then the grid went down and she decided to sit next to me." He said as he out his plastic dinosaur back with the others.

"I swear Low is four." I said as I snuck behind the couple.

"Hey Ellie! What brings you here?" Lowery asked.

"Just came to visit my two best friends."

"Aww. How sweet. It's good to see you; you've been so busy." Claire says as she hugs me.

"I know. I was thinking of having a Twilight movie marathon tonight, if the two of you want to come?"

"That sounds awesome." They replied.

"Great! Be there by 5." I said.

I hugged them, then I ran out to go to my lab. As I was running I bumped into a big person. I grunted as I fell to the floor.

"Oh Ellie! I'm so sorry sweetness." I heard Hoskins say as he began to help me up.

"It's fine, I really need to get to my lab." I stammered.

"Ok Ellie. hey! And good job on the raptors." He said.

"Thanks!" I yelled as I rounded the corner towards my lab.

I swiped my ID card and went into my lab. I grabbed my files and a test tube that held the DNA of my raptors. I left my lab and went towards Dr. Wu's office.

"There is my star pupil." Dr. Wu said as I entered his office.

"Ready for this?" I asked as I held up the DNA.

"You should be asking if the world is ready." He said as we entered his lab.

We started creating the embryo for our Dino. I was getting two eggs ready as he started creating the embryo.

"Did you come up with a name?" He asked after 30 minutes.

"Yes sir, I did." I said as I stamped the eggs.

"What will our creation be called?"

"The indominus rex."

"Excellent." He said smiling a little.



At around 2:00, wet had finished coming up with two embryos and fertilizing the eggs. I took a couple of pictures to print for us and set up the incubator to call us when the eggs started to hatch.

"Today we make history." I said as I scanned the second egg.

"All thanks to your skills." Dr. Wu said.

"Ever since I was small, I looked up to you. Thank you." I said as I hugged him.

"ok Dr. Grant, I'm honored to have been your role model." He replied.

I backed up from the hug and smiled at him.

"You can have the rest of the day off. Have a good evening." He said.

"You too."


As I was going home I got a phone call from my dad.

"Hey dad!" I said happily.

"Hey princess. How is it at the island?" He asked.

"Its good. You'll never guess who started working here, thanks to me."

"Who? Ian?" He asked sarcastically.

"Haha no dad. Its actually Owen. Remember him?"

"How can I forget? He was at the trailer everytime we were at a dig site."

"Yeah. Well he works here. We are actually working on a project together."

"That's cool. What are the both of you working on?"

"Our favorite actually. Raptors. I made these raptors myself and he's training them and observing."

"That sounds fantastic! Your mom and I want to take a trip over there to visit."

"That's sounds awesome! Oh my gosh, your first time on the island since you know what."

"Yeah. But its time for me to get over my fears."

"I'm proud of you dad. Well I have to go already. I'll talk to you soon. Love you."

"Love you more my little digger."

Pandemonium//Owen Grady//Where stories live. Discover now